I rinse/buffer dry brick coco and pot it, from then on I give only nutrient solution always ph’d. Never plain water, it will strip some of the buffered sites of cal/mag. Also never let it dry, it should be watered before it even dries visibly.
Hand watering helps get a feel for how it can dry back without visibly appearing dry. If you cant hand feed twice a day you probably need a drip system but theyre fun once setup.
You should be measuring ec runoff with solution not plain water, then compare incoming EC with runoff EC. If its the same or lower, dead give away it needs more food.
Whats the EC going in up till now? Are you using tap? Whats the EC of your tap water or source of water? How many times do you feed a day?
Im a newer grower too but coco is pretty easy. If I cant solve it, adding more info for the experts to help will do it.