Real devil weed.Looks like white horns
I'll post the progress of the plant on here and keep everyone updated. I'm definitely not tossing the plant out, we'll see what it does.maybe it is a polyploid? they can have weird leaves and make for gigntic harvests I have heard. I wonder if yours will be like that. will be good to know if its like the pro's say man
Make Polyploid Seeds
Alch Polys
Sorry for the poor quality pics I'm using a Samsung that is about 2 years old and doesn't really focus like it used to. Had to run with what I got. I'll definitely use the flicking method from now on just in case, I'm pretty sure these are just some old seeds. They are from ILGM.To me. Although a poor pic. Looks like a young seedling and moisture issue. Small leaf tips were wet. And damaged. Happens sometimes on seedlings if water pools on them. Got to give them a flick of the finger sometimes. Better pic would help.
Old beans will do that. I had two come up like that, and 2 with no grow tip in a batch of black triangle. The plant should bounce back, but a rough start usually translates to a rough life.Sorry for the poor quality pics I'm using a Samsung that is about 2 years old and doesn't really focus like it used to. Had to run with what I got. I'll definitely use the flicking method from now on just in case, I'm pretty sure these are just some old seeds. They are from ILGM.
Looks like white horns or tentacles coming from where the true leaves should be. Probably about 8-9 days old.View attachment 5395298View attachment 5395299.