Well-Known Member
By no means an optimal run.. next one will be more organised
Hey bro! What's up? I'm back from the dead. Literally. Me and the wife were coming back from visiting our boy who's in the Navy and we got rear-ended by a tractor trailer. They had to cut me out and then give me CPR before being medevac'd to the ER. Glad I was driving an ex cop car. They have a metal plate in the seats to prevent somebody stabbing a cop. It saved us. I didn't remember my own name for almost 3 weeks. My kid was at my parents thank God. The car was pancaked behind our seats so my kid woulda died. I lost my old email and just remembered this forum the other day. Came home and found my Mom had discovered my garden and actually watered it while we were in the hospital. Anyways that's what's up. Hope ya been doing alright. One never knows what tomorrow is gonna bring.
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