Canadian Stuff

Another example of the tyrannical government we live under here in Alberta. If you don't have ID when you go to a voting station you can have a friend or neighbour vouch for you so you can cast your vote but not if this bill goes thru. As long as you're a registered voter your name will be on the roll but they ask for primary ID before checking you off.

Does Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver have any idea how many Albertans could be denied the right to vote in the next general election because of the United Conservative Party (UCP)’s planned changes to provincial voting rules in Bill 20, the Municipal Affairs Statutes Amendment Act, 2024?

If he does – and you’d think he would – nobody’s bothered to ask him about it yet.

But according to University of Alberta political Scientist Jared Wesley, the number could be anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 eligible voters – all to solve a problem that doesn’t exist by making it impossible for neighbours and co-workers with ID to vouch for people they know at a polling station.

“Bill 20 is aimed at a bunch of boogiemen,” Dr. Wesley tweeted Friday. “From fake voters to rogue councillors to unlawful bylaws – not one shred of evidence. Just fear and feelings.”

The bill’s targets may be boogiemen, as Professor Wesley asserts, but despite McIver’s claims that it’s just been put on the legislative agenda to make it a little easier for the government to exercise powers it already has in an emergency, the goal is understandable if not particularly palatable.

It’s clearly intended to give the UCP the power to influence who gets to vote, and if municipal voters ignore their wishes anyway, to overcome the democratic will of progressive voters in Alberta’s big cities.

This is right in line with the NDP Opposition’s accusation the UCP is trying “to control everything, everywhere, all at once,” which was a good line the first few of times it was used, but is not a very effective way to attack an example of genuinely undemocratic government overreach.

On Thursday, in reaction to some of the features of the bill that aroused the ire of municipal councillors in the UCP’s rural heartland, McIver introduced some amendments that don’t really change the additional powers the bill will give the government.

Those changes would no longer allow cabinet to fire a municipal councillor in absentia during a secret cabinet meeting – it would only be able to disrupt said councillor’s ability to get anything done by ordering a vote to remove them from office. Better, I guess, but not much.

As for provisions that would allow the cabinet to veto municipal bylaws, a few vague stipulations will be added to give the impression of due process. It would still be an undemocratic decision made in secret.

As the president of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta complained Friday, the amendments won’t stop the province from intruding into the legitimate authority of municipal governments.

With no clear definition of the public interest or provincial policy, Paul McLaughlin told The Canadian Press, the law could be used to let the cabinet interfere with municipal decisions for any old reason or whim.

Warning the government has “empowered a monster,” he argued the bill might give some future government – an NDP one, presumably – “the largest baseball bat you can imagine.

Seasoned observers of Alberta politics will understand that it’s the monster that has armed itself with a big bat that we actually need to worry about.

The Canadian Press also quoted Edmonton-Gold Bar NDP MLA Marlin Schmidt that as a result of the legislation, which is certain to be passed by the government majority in the House, UCP MLAs will need to brace themselves to start taking angry calls for municipal taxpayers mad about local issues like pothole complaints and cat bylaws – a possibility noted in this space back on May 7.

“This government has created 1-800-hate-my-councillor,” McLaughlin agreed. “They’re going to be inundated.”

That’s not necessarily a bad thing, of course.

In a Substack column published on May 7, Dr. Wesley outlined reasons the UCP’s voter ID restrictions are a bad idea. Among them: That it could block up to 50,000 Alberta citizens who are entitled to cast a ballot from voting and, at the same time, it would not prevent non-citizens from voting.

“Fact is: non-citizens qualify for most forms of photo ID, including driver’s licenses. A federally issued passport is the only form of photo ID that proves you are a citizen,” he wrote. “So voter ID won’t solve that imagined problem, either, unless you want the federal government to verify who’s eligible to vote in Alberta elections.”

What’s more, Dr. Wesley said, most voters don’t support the idea. “According to the government’s own survey, only 30 per cent of Albertans favour measures like Bill 20 that would ban vouching. Forty-six percent want to keep it. This level of support is likely rooted in the fact that over 100,000 Albertans have vouched or been vouched for in previous elections.”

Why would the UCP government want to do that? Well, Dr. Wesley answered that question in another Substack published on May 3. “Voter ID laws like those included in Alberta’s Bill 20 are designed with a primary objective in mind: limiting the types of people allowed to cast ballots so the government can win elections.”

In other words, so the UCP can pick who gets to vote.


Danielle Smith is the current leader of the UCP here. Makes me want Jason Kenney back. :(

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I kinda want that book!

In other news, looks like we might be exporting some of our bs north this summer.

I kinda want that book!

In other news, looks like we might be exporting some of our bs north this summer.

You're SOL as she bought up all the copies so nobody can beat her record for saying the dumbest things possible. This woman used to have a radio show pushing climate change denial, anti-vax etc etc. She was a magat before magats were a thing.

They claim they swept the polls when they took back control from the NDP but the majority of the ones they did win back were just a few points apart so there is a very good chance the NDP will take it back in '27. It's the amount of carnage she can do until then that has me worried.

We really need the rain we're getting up here in the north now. Now that the El nino has switched to the La nina we can expect big changes in our weather patterns but most projections say we're supposed to get drier across most of the prairies. They've already had severe water shortages in southern Alberta and the lack of snow pack means it's only likely to get worse. Agriculture down south depends a lot on irrigation but so do the towns and cities. Up here they depend on rains for growing so it's no wonder they all go to church on Sundays. At least my dugout is filling up so we'll have water. :)

80 years ago, the bravest of the brave did the unimaginable. They and what they did will never be forgotten.


I drove across the Leo Majorlaan more than a few times, part of the route he took. Amazing story, and definitely movie material. There are a few videos on youtube from many more Canadians following Leo Major in the days and weeks after but it's all very poor quality.

Another less well-known liberator got his own plaque at a war memorial just a few years, Alexander Serediak, a member of the Canadian Scottish regiment, from Ukrainian descent, who died that day coming from a different direction. He was 24 and only 2 months from home.

I posted some pics of the cemetery where he's buried last year (this one's not mine), probably this thread. The age (included on most) gets me every time. Most were just 'kids'.

Screen Shot 2024-06-06 at 16.45.40.png
I drove across the Leo Majorlaan more than a few times, part of the route he took. Amazing story, and definitely movie material. There are a few videos on youtube from many more Canadians following Leo Major in the days and weeks after but it's all very poor quality.

Another less well-known liberator got his own plaque at a war memorial just a few years, Alexander Serediak, a member of the Canadian Scottish regiment, from Ukrainian descent, who died that day coming from a different direction. He was 24 and only 2 months from home.

I posted some pics of the cemetery where he's buried last year (this one's not mine), probably this thread. The age (included on most) gets me every time. Most were just 'kids'.

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I have the utmost respect for anyone that is willing to serve for a just cause, including present day members of any countries armed services. I cannot imagine the thoughts that those young people had to deal with as many wouldn't have known much about where they were going, just volunteered to go fight evil because it needed to be done. The world is so much smaller now because of technology, can learn lots about almost any country - so I don't think (and hope) there will ever be anything like what they experienced.

Hearing the distinct sound bagpipes and drums gets me every time.
I have the utmost respect for anyone that is willing to serve for a just cause, including present day members of any countries armed services. I cannot imagine the thoughts that those young people had to deal with as many wouldn't have known much about where they were going, just volunteered to go fight evil because it needed to be done. The world is so much smaller now because of technology, can learn lots about almost any country - so I don't think (and hope) there will ever be anything like what they experienced.

Hearing the distinct sound bagpipes and drums gets me every time.
Massed bagpipes make my neck hair stand and salute.
Hearing the distinct sound bagpipes and drums gets me every time.

In addition to the annual remembrance days, every 12th of April there's a memorial service for the 20 fallen servicemen of the Regiment 48th Highlanders of Canada buried at the cemetery. The regiment that liberated Apeldoorn [30km south of Zwolle which Canadian Rambo liberated]. Organized by the 48th Highlanders of Holland Pipes and Drums from Apeldoorn.

Appropriately, the cemetery is located in what might as well be called the highlands of NL, a moraine created 150K years ago, ~75m above sea level.

Also check out Joseph Eugene Edgar Duclos, joined the Canadian army at age of 16, claiming he was 18. His story summary includes the route he took. From UK to France to Antwerp to the very south west of NL and fought all the way through and across the country to the very north east where he was KIA also on April 14th.

And I hope you're right. How parts of the world and part of populations almost everywhere behave nowadays is disgraceful. As their invaded neighbor not very far from the border I've always had a great interest in how those seemingly ordinary not-so-different-from-us Germans could have gone full nazi. I have a few theories, many factors perhaps, but it's as if slowly the veil is being lifted.
Anyone else find it ironic that the Tenet folks are being ostracized by other right wing folks, as if the non-Tenet folks are not part of the grand Russian scheme?

Sure, maybe not directly through money. lol.
