Blaze & Daze

New Order - Confusion

1:45pm The teenbeast surfaced.

That was the track that thumped her out of bed, peaked the sub at about half power. I got a very dejected teenage glare as she stumbled to the bathroom. So I decided to kindly bring her down with some Doors and Pink Floyd.

Either way it's got to be better than my old man walking in and barking his Vietnam era military cadences at 7am as soon as the summer started.
New Order - Confusion

1:45pm The teenbeast surfaced.

That was the track that thumped her out of bed, peaked the sub at about half power. I got a very dejected teenage glare as she stumbled to the bathroom. So I decided to kindly bring her down with some Doors and Pink Floyd.

Either way it's got to be better than my old man walking in and barking his Vietnam era military cadences at 7am as soon as the summer started.
Try this one on her. Turn it way up when they begin shrieking!
CHP sitting in the shade under an overpass, I guess my doing 75 in a 65 wasn't enough to distract him from his paperwork. Groceries were brought in by the son and I guess I'll get to putting some away in due time, except for the frozen stuff. I'm back in my lounging shorts and the AC is feeling nice. I think the pillow at the end of the couch wants to snuggle.
How much drum and bass does it take to wake up a teenager? If Aphex Twin doesn't work I'm going to have to break some Russian Hardbass or some seriously hard dubstep.

She came home from school and instantaneously became nocturnal.
My father used to sing a couple verses off key, no way you can sleep again.
It's a catchy tune, rolls around in your brain and you dread hearing a second session.
I did it to my kids, they hate me! Especially the "I don't care.." verse

CHP sitting in the shade under an overpass, I guess my doing 75 in a 65 wasn't enough to distract him from his paperwork. Groceries were brought in by the son and I guess I'll get to putting some away in due time, except for the frozen stuff. I'm back in my lounging shorts and the AC is feeling nice. I think the pillow at the end of the couch wants to snuggle.
Please tell me you got the guacamole