Herbalist and Blood Thinners?


Well-Known Member
I have Cronic Blood Clots and I'm on Blood Thinners.

Because of pain I'm to take Hydrocodone every 4 hours.

Because of the Hydrocodone it is next to impossible to get another Doctor.

I got to thinking bunch of Herbs effect my Blood.

I might add I have Cancer and just started Cemo.

I have been on Standard Prescription Medication. I feel I will mess things up if I go with just Herbs.

Should I go this route or stay with what I'm doing?


Well-Known Member
About a year ago I got feed up and discusted with all the meds I was taking and stopped all of them. Not a good plan. Last October I almost died, twice.

The meds I was taking were just the go to ones that they always give and were making me worse. Anyhow, I got two new stents in my heart and a new list of meds which it turned out I was alergic to 7 out of the 8 meds they gave me. That was the second time I almost died.

I now have a nurse that prescribes my meds.

To make this shorter: Think twice about stopping your meds.

I might add I have Cancer and just started Cemo.
If I even thought I might have cancer I would be taking ALL the RSO I could. In german doctors have now proven that doses of THC >5mg extends the life of dieing cancer patients. The teams' that did the research all agreed that it should be given earieler in treatment.

This is quote I lifted from Grass City by Strom Crow (if she says it you can put it in the Bible):
The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol Is Associated with an Increase in Survival Time in Palliative Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study. (Germany) (full – 2024) The Use of Tetrahydrocannabinol Is Associated with an Increase in Survival Time in Palliative Cancer Patients: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study


Well-Known Member
Yes I read it all. Lots of people don't care. Bad thing is I care and don't want to share problems I'm having.

Today I was Shoveling up a mess I made the other day. It didn't take long and I was about to pass out.

Need to figure this way if I die someone will have to do it.

New plan if I'm out doing something have someone with me and a chair handy.


Well-Known Member
I read up on Chemo and thinking no way.

Went to a Herblist she give me a list to start out and most can't get in the store.

Unbleached Flour, nothing from a can, no Caffeine, no Sugar, no Milk, nothing Prepared, no Meat from the Store, no Alcohol.

Marijuana is ok so stay stoned and think about eating.