Nutrients issue or normal fading


Well-Known Member
There is no such thing as normal fade.
Plants turn yellow because they are lacking nutrients.
They could not have enough, or have too much and are unable to pull them from the medium due to lockout, ph problems, etc.
More info is needed. Nobody can tell you what's the matter with your plant by looking at a few pics of yellow leaves.


There is no such thing as normal fade.
Plants turn yellow because they are lacking nutrients.
They could not have enough, or have too much and are unable to pull them from the medium due to lockout, ph problems, etc.
More info is needed. Nobody can tell you what's the matter with your plant by looking at a few pics of yellow leaves.
I’ve been checking on before watering each time I’m using advanced, nutrients perfect pH. Ocean forest soil. Yesterday I watered with just regular water ph 6.3


Well-Known Member
Could be deficiency due to over watering. Hard to say. Like I said. Need lots more info.
Just shooting blanks in the dark really without the info.


Well-Known Member
Info like what?
Everything man
Nutes (everything you use)
Ec of feed
Age of the plant (how long has it been in flower?)
Medium (already established)
Watering schedule/frequency
Anything else you feel is relevant
We start there.


Everything man
Nutes (everything you use)
Ec of feed
Age of the plant (how long has it been in flower?)
Medium (already established)
Watering schedule/frequency
Anything else you feel is relevant
We start there.
I appreciate this. I have to start tracking. This is my second grow. I’ve just been watering as the soil dry out. Temps has been between 71-78. Humidity has been 55-65
My light is spider farmer g1000w
Nutes are advance perfect ph. And cal mag
But I 100% will start a journal to actually start tracking everything


Well-Known Member
Looking like senesence. The plants in the background were they feed the same way? No yellow on them? Are they budding yet?