Examples of GOP Leadership

They can trhow a punch, though. I've seen it. It's not as if I'm shivering at the thought but I'd just as soon not go one on one.


The common thread between what your post said and what I hope my post said is those guys might look tough but they are soft as marshmallows inside. I saw them scream and run away when somebody threw a vegan milkshake at them. Later on, the Portland police said they were throwing cement at the fascists. Later, later on, they admitted that was a fake story. But they hated Portland counter protesters because we made them look foolish. We mocked them. And your post mocked them too. So it's all good.

Whatever gets that good, deep shake-the-belly until it hurts laughter going about those assholes, do it.

And, this guy deserves to be mocked:

View attachment 5398798

LOL, look at the old man fat guy wrinkles on his neck.. And the helmet. Covering his dickhead. :lol:
They've seen the hundreds of people convicted and serving time from Jan.6. Anyone with a police record will think twice now. They're rejects of society who need attention and respect they've been without all their lives and they think intimidation and shouting will give it to them. They won't show up, at least, not in the numbers it will take to do any harm. Here's the story of one of them. A pedophile. Shocking, huh?

They've seen the hundreds of people convicted and serving time from Jan.6. Anyone with a police record will think twice now. They're rejects of society who need attention and respect they've been without all their lives and they think intimidation and shouting will give it to them. They won't show up, at least, not in the numbers it will take to do any harm. Here's the story of one of them. A pedophile. Shocking, huh?

That brought a whip to an insurrection, A WHIP. Now he gets over six years to think about how stupid he was for grabbing his sexy times bag instead of his insurrection bag while rushing out the door.
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They've seen the hundreds of people convicted and serving time from Jan.6. Anyone with a police record will think twice now. They're rejects of society who need attention and respect they've been without all their lives and they think intimidation and shouting will give it to them. They won't show up, at least, not in the numbers it will take to do any harm. Here's the story of one of them. A pedophile. Shocking, huh?

What happens if Trump gets reelected? Listening to that story, that's the kind of guy I'm talking about. No way I'd want to go toe to toe with him. I'm not a fighter. Bless the men who protect us from people like him. From Biden on down. Men like Taake would like to get another chance at power.

He's soft headed for following Trump who has sold him out. He's soft inside because he has to fabricate lies about what happened rather than just take his punishment. Oh, poor baby. Still though, there are plenty of others who will step in to fill the gap Trump created by not pardoning him before he left office.

So, I'm of two minds about this. On one side is my disgust at their craven lies about what happened. On the other side is wariness about these guys. Because, like Trump, they are unjustifiably enraged and want to hurt people like you and me.
It depends on the objective. If their objective were to win over as many people as possible then this tactic sucks.
The way I read it, gaining new blood is secondary to the unspoken and rather cultlike primary objective.

That is to maintain leadership’s stranglehold on those already in. The “our way of life under threat by demonic powers!!” message these people keep hammering (note data provided by Scotus Evil Wives’ Club) is, as the article adroitly put it, the alienation of the flock/base/collective host organism from society, so no exploitation is beyond the pale.

The only real and serious threat to the flock is internal, when the guy with the crook has these long teeth and yellow eyes. So the disinformation campaign waged from the nation’s pulpits has to be strident and relentless in order to keep the collective host organism in their grip.

Toxic evangelicals and their neoliberal allies are afraid. Their way of life is slowly but unstoppably eroding, unless their now-hot war on democratic values and government succeeds. They project this existential dread from their pulpits and newsdesks. They know, and are now on record saying it plainly, that a coup (half-achieved; look at the appellate courts) is their only bid for institutional survival. Our job is fairly simple: basically to be there and provide a counterexample, a better place for the steady trickle of people who dare to question the gospel of fear and hatred shouted at them by the shepherd wolves.
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