Blaze & Daze

The absolute best beer I ever tasted was a Miller Lite and this is how.
We had agreed to hike to the top of Lone Peak, which dominates the Salt Lake skyline. We left on the hottest day of the year. We had to park 2 miles from the trailhead because construction crews had trenched the road. We took a wrong turn and had to give back a couple of thousand feet and a couple of hours. What should have been 6 or 7 hours to the summit and then camp didn't happen.
Finally we made camp as the sun was setting at around 10,000 feet next to a snow bank. Lt. Richard, always prepared, placed 3 Miller Lites in the snow until they were ice cold.Then we toasted as the sun set and quaffed the best beer I ever tasted.
Got a gig in Lake Geneva WI this morning. Client is a little crazy, as thunderstorms are predicted during his proposal party. I'm to be under a pavilion covering, but something tells me this is gonna be hectic, hot, and a 2 hour drive each way. Hope it is worth the $700. Gotta deliver a qp to clients on the way back home. It is going to be a long and interesting day. I cannot believe I'm up this early, I don't know how you guys do it...