Well-Known Member
Yes they were ...... Grandmas were hot in the 70's ...
Yes they were ...... Grandmas were hot in the 70's ...
Some of us think they still are.Yes they were ...
I was introduced to those a couple weeks ago out on the disc golf course. Makes for a great, refreshing treat on those 90°+ days.View attachment 5404876
Wednesday SnT. I have three that look the exact same as each other, and they look the same as last Wednesday.
however the best thing today in the garden was these:View attachment 5404877
View attachment 5404878
chickens love them too so they get the ones on the bottom and this bird gets everything 3ft and above.
Yes we do ...... Some of us think they still are ...
Reminds me of picking blackberries along the fence lines after school. Grandmother would then make us some blackberry cobbler, yum yum.I was introduced to those a couple weeks ago out on the disc golf course. Makes for a great, refreshing treat on those 90°+ days.
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We have them along with wine berry bushes along the driveway here. The bears just go crazy for them. This time of year when they're getting ripe is stressful as I have to pick them quickly or the bears take most everything.Reminds me of picking blackberries along the fence lines after school. Grandmother would then make us some blackberry cobbler, yum yum.
As poor, inner-city kids, we'd all be up in the trees in the parks when they started to ripen. The bigger kids got there first and climbed higher, so they got the super ripe ones. If you were too little or too slow, you were stuck with the under ripe batch. All of our faces, hands, and clothes were stained dark purple. It is the most fresh fruit we consumed all year. Good times...I was introduced to those a couple weeks ago out on the disc golf course. Makes for a great, refreshing treat on those 90°+ days.
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Yeah, mulberries are good af too. We used to climb those trees at the park by my buddy's grandmas house. Mom was always happy when we came home purple head to toe. HahahahaAs poor, inner-city kids, we'd all be up in the trees in the parks when they started to ripen. The bigger kids got there first and climbed higher, so they got the super ripe ones. If you were too little or too slow, you were stuck with the under ripe batch. All of our faces, hands, and clothes were stained dark purple. It is the most fresh fruit we consumed all year. Good times...
You need veggie crackers and hummus!Forgot I put dab in that joint, good stuff.
Still at stage 1, ready for munchies now.
We didn't forget. You reap what you sow!Forgot I put dab in that joint, good stuff.
Still at stage 1, ready for munchies now.
Maybe the past should stay where it belongs.Went for a beer with my former busines co-oweners yesterday, we had a good time but it made me melancholic and wondering again and again, if i should have made something better in the past. Thanks god for psilocybe mushrooms, I´m feeling much better now.
You are right.Maybe the past should stay where it belongs.
you are exactly where you need to be. we all are. ruminations about "what if's" and "should have's" do nothing but steal you away from the present moment. you have blessings and you're able to experience this life that you've built for yourself from a place of gratitude. any decision you made in the past was made with your best intentions and with the energy that you were capable of expressing then. it's easy to think, and sometimes even KNOW, that if you were given the same circumstances TODAY that yes, you would make a different decision. but that doesn't mean anything you did in the past was "wrong" per se. deep inhale LOVE, deep exhale PEACE. you got this! OH and the shrooms are medicine and help us to release our egos and see things more clearly <3Went for a beer with my former busines co-oweners yesterday, we had a good time but it made me melancholic and wondering again and again, if i should have made something better in the past. Thanks god for psilocybe mushrooms, I´m feeling much better now.
"I wish ... that ... I knew what I know now ... when I was younger"... if you were given the same circumstances TODAY that yes, you would make a different decision ...
"I wish ... that ... I knew what I know now ... when I was younger"