Blaze & Daze

I think I have had enough of hearing people trying to explain terraform files, repositories and branches for one day.

But while I was listening to "Bob Loblaw" droning over Google Meet, the grinder and I were doing more productive work. Four cones packed to help commemorate July 4th:


The left two are filled with my indoor crop and right two are packed with my outdoor shit.

And yes, Bob Loblaw just keeps droning on ...
Everything is connected. I love RIU where I learned so much about soil care. I´m dealing with ground water protection and as i undrestand it now, it´s all about an agriculture and soil. For 80 years we do protect groundwater here, and i doesn´t work. Too much nitrogen and pesticides, even when there are limits for use. Doing the same thing for 80 years with poor results is stupidity. Today, I finaly got what we have to do, healthy soil with minimum inputs in infiltration area, something like regenerative agriculture, is the only way. Will try on small area like 2 km2 as a pilot project and it´s gonna be tough to change people´s mind both farmers and bureaucrats. But worth it. I´m little drunk but seeing it clearly like never before.