Blaze & Daze

Morning, friends. Based on the amount of money my neighbors all over the city spent on fireworks this year, no one is allowed to complain about inflation, or China.
The last round went off at 3:47am
i need coffee.
They were shooting off stadium fireworks from the ground floor. It would explode right at my upstairs window. I’m so over the Fourth of July.
lol, I live in a apartment complex boxed into a small courtyard that looks like the maze from the movie the Shining . I heard booms and pows and ba bangs and basically sound like there was a war going on. I heard it even with ear plugs on . It went on and off on and off for hours . I’m used to the same sensory assult every year so it just hear it go back to an intermittent sleep pattern. Lol. I never participate in this celebration. I find it ridiculous and down right dangerous! It adds to pollution and fires. It’s an outdated pathetic celebratory response. It’s like the violent ritual of freedom ringing.