Blaze & Daze

I have to elaborate on the sewing machine story.
My wife is a package shaker. To trick her one Christmas I gave her a sewing machine. I put a small jewelry sized box under the tree.
Inside the box was a note that said "your sewing machine is in the garage".
The look on her face was shall we say, not good.
We still have the sewing machine. It sits in the garage, I use it as a table, a constant reminder of what I did.
I have tried to give it away, no luck. So there it sits taunting me. If it could talk it would say you dumb-ass what were you thinking?
Any idea what's going on with your car car problems suck big time :hump: :peace:

It shakes when I accelerate, and the CEL flashes. The harder I accelerate, the more she shakes. Doesn't do it while coasting. I've never had a flashing CEL, it is unnerving. I would say spark plugs are bad best case, and bad fuel injector or such for the worst case. I haven't had any car trouble in almost a year, so this is overdue on a car with 160k. But it is a Toyota (Avalon). We'll see what the damage is tomorrow...
It shakes when I accelerate, and the CEL flashes. The harder I accelerate, the more she shakes. Doesn't do it while coasting. I've never had a flashing CEL, it is unnerving. I would say spark plugs are bad best case, and bad fuel injector or such for the worst case. I haven't had any car trouble in almost a year, so this is overdue on a car with 160k. But it is a Toyota (Avalon). We'll see what the damage is tomorrow...
It could be the cv joint also
It shakes when I accelerate, and the CEL flashes. The harder I accelerate, the more she shakes. Doesn't do it while coasting. I've never had a flashing CEL, it is unnerving. I would say spark plugs are bad best case, and bad fuel injector or such for the worst case. I haven't had any car trouble in almost a year, so this is overdue on a car with 160k. But it is a Toyota (Avalon). We'll see what the damage is tomorrow...
My guess is some kind of sensor for timing, crankshaft position sensor or cam, but who knows.
It shakes when I accelerate, and the CEL flashes. The harder I accelerate, the more she shakes. Doesn't do it while coasting. I've never had a flashing CEL, it is unnerving. I would say spark plugs are bad best case, and bad fuel injector or such for the worst case. I haven't had any car trouble in almost a year, so this is overdue on a car with 160k. But it is a Toyota (Avalon). We'll see what the damage is tomorrow...
If you have not changed the timing belt in a 160 I'm going with the timing belt
On my way to Canadian tire

Thanks Team


Just a suggestion....if you have a soldering iron. Melt some of the break together as best you can then put Epoxy over that. It might work till you put plants in it and the water goes on. I would also suggest putting a piece of thicker plywood or something under it so it doesn't flex so much.

Oh and one more suggestion.......Don't step on it! :wink: