Examples of GOP Leadership

ope looks like people forgot the rules here too, excessive pissing contest arguing isnt a debate, and it isnt allowed so stop it

please keep this to the one thread already
It sure does. It smells like victory. He wins for sure now.
I like presidents that haven't been wounded..
SEPT. 25, 2023
Trump Has a Real Problem With Wounded Vets
While Donald Trump loves to portray himself as a patriot who deeply loves the United States military, his appalling disrespect for service members has actually been a running theme throughout his political career.

The latest example comes from a profile of General Mark Milley, who served as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the final 16 months of Trump’s presidency. Jeffrey Goldberg reports in The Atlantic that Milley came to feel Trump’s attitude toward service members was “superficial, callous, and, at the deepest human level, repugnant.” Milley’s misgivings started during his first day on the job in 2019 when Trump reportedly told him “no one wants to see” wounded soldiers after he met Luis Avila, a severely injured Army captain.

Milley’s claim is highly plausible as it lines up with previous comments Trump is alleged to have made openly expressing his discomfort with wounded veterans. Susan Glasser and Peter Baker have reported that when Trump — inspired by a Bastille Day celebration he attended in 2017 — became obsessed with staging the biggest-ever military parade in Washington, D.C., he specifically told then–White House chief of staff John Kelly that he didn’t want “wounded guys” to be a part of it. From a New Yorker article drawn from Glasser and Baker’s book, The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017–2021
Who is “ they “ ?
I think this idiot wasn't a planned shooter by the deep state but...100 percent without a doubt, they left the roof tops wide open for this guy to do what he did. I am sure they have been leaving all kinds of openings thinking, well, if someone steps in and tries to kill him, oh well.
That wouldn't surprise me at all from the behavior we have all seen from the current administration.
Let the conspiracies fly … registered republican / gave $15 bucks once to lib PAC.

There are crazies out there that do things “ outside “ of politics - looking for fame / personal beef ( delusional ) / religious issue with trump - who knows ?

Like that chapman guy that shot john lennon .

I still remember Timothy Mcveigh - a gulf war vet - fully antigovernment in 1995 blowing up the fed building. Both Dem and Republicans worked in that building - he didn’t care.

Like the Waco incident- there are lone wolf aggressors out there looking to destroy lives regardless of political standing.

That’s why it is ridiculous to blame those across the aisle.

Yeah. I just followed that link that I posted here yesterday, and they replaced the story with the new one done today. They tagged it on the end with an "editor's note" update at the end of the story to reflect the NY Times story.

I'm getting tired of all of these questionable info sources out there at this point. Frustrating as f**k for this truth seeker.