Grow journal - Outdoors 2024 - Frisian Dew, Frisian Duck, Sweet Tooth Auto, Early Skunk


Well-Known Member
Moved all the plants somewhere in the corner of the property where they're harder to spot, except for the farmer occasionally driving on the fields behind.

Everything looks ok, Frisian Dew is showing some signs of deficiency on lower leaves. Trying to remedy it. Sweet Tooth Auto is flowering and happy. Both Frisian Dews are happy and healthy it seems.

The two plants in the ground are right behind all of these, but they're still stunted, barely growing.



Well-Known Member
Small update. Removed a bit of foliage lower on the plants, except the auto. I'm afraid of touching it more than I have to.

Also topped the Frisian Dew (The dense bush) and the two Frisian Ducks (Tall bushes) in several places to keep them a bit shorter in flowering, hopefully.

Both ground plants are looking pathetic. Just neglecting them big time.

Started using Biobizz Fish mix today, trying to fix my soil. (Also bought Biobizz top max and bio bloom for flowering)P_20240711_212153.jpg







Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm just imagining things but I feel like the fish mix helped at least the Frisian Dew look a lot better.

I'm going to stop posting the two in-ground plants, they're just pathetic. Never really recovered. Might post them again if they perk up.

Any estimates on the Sweet Tooth Auto? How far to go? A month?






Well-Known Member
No major updates. All plants seem relatively happy. Not sure how far along the Sweet Tooth Auto is, but flowering nicely.

I think the Frisian Dew is gonna be a beast in flower.




Hey guys, just thought I'd collect all my plants in one place, easier to keep track of for myself and easier to get help if needed. I don't plan on updating it every day, the reason I'm growing outdoors is to keep it simple and not have it be a full-time job, that's also why they're in soil and they're all pretty resilient strains that can handle some rain and some pests, knock on wood.

They're all in the same soil mix, two of them are directly planted in the ground as an experiment. (I tested my own soil, it's decent, filled with earthworms, I heard that's a good sign)

The others are in a soil mix consisting of, Biobizz Light mix, extra perlite, 10% coco, and Plagon supermix (Amendment with seabird guano, minerals and worm castings)

They're all in smart pots and they're roughly this old currently:

Frisian Dew: It was started indoors in the middle of March, put outside in April, and got stunted because of cold weather, I had a thread about it here where I got some great advice.

View attachment 5395190

Frisian Duck 1, 2, 3: They all started in April when I was fearing for the life of the Frisian Dew. One of them is planted directly in the ground because I couldn't bear throwing it out. (Frisian Duck 1 and 2 was repotted 2 days ago, from 0.5 gallon smart pots to these 3 and 5 gallons, so they should be topped up on nutrients now, if you think they're showing a deficiency at the moment)

Early Skunk: It started alongside the Frisian Duck in April because I got it for free. Planted directly in the ground as well.

View attachment 5395187View attachment 5395188View attachment 5395189 (Frisian Duck is on the left and Early Skunk is on the right. I know they're too close to each other. I fucked up. But we'll see how it goes)

Sweet Tooth Auto: It was planted about a week ago, so I have something to do in two months. Didn't have the patience to wait for fall to start harvesting all the others.

View attachment 5395191

That's it for now! Thanks for taking a look and feel free to give feedback. All the advice I've gotten so far from the Newbie forum has been great. I'm a bit rusty and haven't really grown in soil or outdoors before so it's a great help. (Except for a single auto last year that we will not talk about) :dunce:

My last serious grow was back in 2016, Blue Dream Indoors, so I have a rough idea of what I'm doing, but outdoors is a different beast :weed:
Sweet Tooth has a way to go. It will get thick and frosty!