PPM used for foxfarm soil


Well-Known Member
Growing outside and have foxfarm soil. What PPm should I mix the nutes too in early, mid and end of flower? Just an avg PPM doesn't need to be specific.


Well-Known Member
Follow the dosing guide that came with the nutes (you can go lighter if you like). The ppm’s are more for coco/hydro than soil. What nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
Follow the dosing guide that came with the nutes (you can go lighter if you like). The ppm’s are more for coco/hydro than soil. What nutes are you using?
I only ever grew in DWC and use technaflora nutes that includes bc boost, bc bloom, sugar daddy, awesome blossom, etc... When I do DWC this current strain likes 1000 PPM.... I'm done growing inside after 9 years so I'm using these nutes up.


Well-Known Member
In looking at the calculator, I’m not sure if those nutes are designed for soil, but they may be. Use their directions.. Also I’d be a little careful if those nutes are 9 years old, they may not be any good. If they’ve precipitated out, inside the bottles I wouldn’t use them.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah soil is double the amount of nutes from the DWC option. So if I feed at 1000ppm in DWC, double would be 2000 ppm in soil..... How often do you use nutes and mix in with the water for soil? Like once or twice a week???
Most people do feed, then water only, then feed , then water only, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. (LOL)