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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Ahh thanks for sharing that Amber. My son went to Stanford so always fun to see bits of it. I hope your hubby feels better soon and I'm guessing your exposure in that radiation spill has now made you immortal! Covid can not touch you :hug:
I was so impressed with the museum!! What a fabulous collection! The museum was closed from like 1986 to 1999 due to damage from the earthquake. Hubby is doing much better, Thanks!
I am actually going through my emergency spill kit right now because we have to replace used supplies. Got a proper training with a rep on how to deal with the Pluvicto dose vial . The doctors are no longer allowed to administer the dose. I’m in control of this now so there will no more complications. Now it’s a matter of how to deal
With the radioactive waste properly. All these new radioactive drugs are hitting the scene and the syringes and vials they come in are not easy to use! Should be interesting to see what my badge reading is next quarter. Covid kicked my ass. But im getting better.
are there any places in Palo Alto you would recommend checking out?