Sweet Tooth Auto - Various marks on leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry for asking a lot and often. I just want to be sure this plant makes it to the end of flowering, but it seems like there's something wrong. I took a lot of photos, hoping someone could clue me in. At first, I thought of deficiency, but I feel like I got the nutrients down at this point.

Insects were also suggested a few days ago but I honestly haven't seen a single one. I spray weekly with BT and I also spray with potassium fatty acids or whatever you call those, to kill aphids and thrips etc.

It's extremely windy here, it's in Biobizz light mix, amended with worm castings and some compost. I feed a few times a week with Biobizz organic nutrients, top max, top bloom, cal-mag, and fish mix.

Any input is appreciated!








Well-Known Member
Yeah I don't have a clue man. Your across the ocean and growing outside, Ain't no tellin. It does look like bug damage though. Maybe someone else will have better knowledge for you.


New Member
It's extremely windy here, it's in Biobizz light mix, amended with worm castings and some compost. I feed a few times a week with Biobizz organic nutrients, top max, top bloom, cal-mag, and fish
I can see the wind damage.
I’d have to say you’re giving them way to much if you’re giving them all of that a [few] times a week, I would say alternate fish and water every other day, but the rest of that I’d put on a weekly, biweekly and a monthly schedule. That’s like drinking nothing but Pepsi all month.


Well-Known Member
Maybe too hot, taco leaves? Wind burn? Is it inside or out?
Outside and It's extremely windy here. I would be surprised if it's too hot, I live in a cold climate. But the wind surely could play a role.

I can see the wind damage.
I’d have to say you’re giving them way to much if you’re giving them all of that a [few] times a week, I would say alternate fish and water every other day, but the rest of that I’d put on a weekly, biweekly and a monthly schedule. That’s like drinking nothing but Pepsi all month.
I hope you're both right that it's wind damage, rather than bugs.

But I'm just following the biobizz schedule at half dosage. Top max is just a stimulant (No nutrients) fish mix is the nitrogen source and Bio bloom is the Phosperous source. I honestly feel like this is a pretty mild and average nutrient regimen? But I can try to tone it down and feed less frequently.

I appreciate the help!