Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method


Well-Known Member
Welcome back Sedan, I love the information you share.
Thanks Bro, it's really nice of you not to forget me!

I have accumulated a lot of information, and the main thing is unforgettable impressions.
I thought I had seen everything in my life, but it turned out that this is just the beginning.))
If you look back on your life, it is not a life, but a thriller with horror elements)).
But I can't help it, it's my fate.
During this time and began to study history more deeply, to understand everything to the end, and that the most important thing is to understand to the end, what is the basis of everything happening in the depths of history, starting from the 10th century AD.
I studied not history, but historiography, because everyone has his own history, each side writes history for its own interests, then it is taught in school textbooks.
In order to understand approximately what really happened, you need to study documents and compare facts. There is a lot of open access on the internet now.
And I realised one thing, that what is happening now was inevitable... exactly inevitable! It had been coming for many years.

And there is no such thing as someone who is just evil and another who is an angel with wings. All these slogans and far-fetched ideals are just a screen to promote their geopolitical interests. Everything is very simple: it is all about money, spheres of influence, geopolitical interests. Everything else is rubbish. It is disgusting to see that everyone is telling us something that has nothing to do with the essence of what is happening, trying to lead us somewhere else.

The greatest tragedy, the wounds of which will bleed for decades to come, even when this is all over.

God forbid any of you should have to go through something like that.

I urge everyone to be sensible.


As for our common cause with you, namely our passion for marijuana, the conditions in which it is happening for me... to say extreme is to say nothing!)))... when the smell of death is in the air.

I will try to show you the plants, but it is a sad story, these plants are also imbued with fear, despair and hopelessness.....
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