grow weed or buy groceries

just venting some spleen here ...

i went to the grocery store yesterday .

looks like i have reached the point where being a responsible rational adult really sucks . no more growing weed for me .

Roy O'Bannon

Well-Known Member
Yeah, It was almost 200 at wallyworld the other day, for a cart of very little.
I switched keto to carnivore over the last 2 years because of health issues. I don't even eat the grocery store food anymore.

Prescriptions are out of sight as well, some of my Dad's stuff I pick up is $$$$

Stardog FPV

Active Member
At this point I'm growing weed as cheaply as possible and failure isn't an option absolutely no extra cash for the dispensary.

The northern lights auto freebies sent by seedman paid off though, I'm high as a kite!