Random Jabber Jibber thread

The on-site chat police are bringing home a double time check this week ..They are moving in unison and in full force …lol..get em girls ..
I took quite a lot of typing in school. Started in the 7th grade on an old school typewriter with blacked out keys. Took typing 1&2 in highschool. It was like all of us who went to my schools in San Jose got typing forced on us like we were all going to be data entry clerks or something lol.
I can still type hella fast without looking except for the symbols. I don’t remember that shit which is why I only noticed the Z and the Y switched up too.
I taught myself to type in like the sixth grade on a manual type writer ( not very well and I still have it ) , it took quite a bit of force to get a good impression on the paper. Now when I’m pecking at a key board it sounds like I’m hitting it with a sledgehammer. I’ve had multiple people say to me that they have never heard a key board make those sounds.
I taught myself to type in like the sixth grade on a manual type writer ( not very well and I still have it ) , it took quite a bit of force to get a good impression on the paper. Now when I’m pecking at a key board it sounds like I’m hitting it with a sledgehammer. I’ve had multiple people say to me that they have never heard a key board make those sounds.
I had some one ask me once, "Why are you so pissed off at that keyboard".
I taught myself to type in like the sixth grade on a manual type writer ( not very well and I still have it ) , it took quite a bit of force to get a good impression on the paper. Now when I’m pecking at a key board it sounds like I’m hitting it with a sledgehammer. I’ve had multiple people say to me that they have never heard a key board make those sounds.
The old Ollivetti I learned on felt like a model T.
But the IBM Selectric's Cadillac smoothness was a gift from above.

My how times have changed!
Man how topics change from the first couple posts to now.. first time reading PART OF THIS thread.. I wanted to blurt out some relevant crazy shit but everyone's all civilized and shit
You guys were lucky, with yer fancy IBM's and Ollivetti's
A young18yo Bursto had 12 months of military typing training, on one of these clunky old things, no spell check back then. Followed by a decade of sending information to you yanks in Washington.

I'm having flashbacks of huge mountains of handwritten documents that needed to be typed up on that bitch,
ahh make it stop bongsmilie thats better,
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Big rains - we got over a foot in 12 hours & it's still coming down.
Fortunately I'm on "top" of the hills & no issue here but low water crossings get several people every time this happens.
Main river normally crystal clear is muddy & was 8-10' above norm. Running 58,000 CFS!


Ekman is/was a pioneer in the science of facial microexpressions, those subtle, involuntary facial movements and tics as well as hand movements and body positioning that indicate deception.
Site explains this and shows how to detect. He's also published several books on the subject.

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Have never seen or heard this word until this morning