bud candy in DWC


Active Member
Your start and end dont match you had zero and you had swings.... can you explain
Sorry I ramble lol bud Candy wasn’t causing swings. The flora nectar did. But it could have also been just the overall nute dosage. I was doing 70% of the least aggressive feed schedule. And half the recommended dose of bud candy and flora nectar.
I have had zero root issues with both as in no root rot. There stained. And little almost slime on some roots that aren’t in the water. Second they go in they are clean


Well-Known Member
What kind of nutes do you use? I feel if you are sterile using those products is useless.
I had bactorr inside and my colonie exploded with molases


Active Member
What kind of nutes do you use? I feel if you are sterile using those products is useless.
I had bactorr inside and my colonie exploded with molases
Could that be the EC jumps I was seeing? I’m never using the floral nectar again. Using up the rest of the bud candy. Then comparing the numbers. It’s hard to tell because I was dialed in half way through veg using the basic GH trio and floralcious.


Well-Known Member
Ec jump is probably because plant is eating some nutes and not others or plant is eating a lot less than yiu are giving it.but still drinks water
There is a reason people use chelated nutes in hydro.normally plant cant just uptake nutes