How long have i got left?


New Member
Well I have well and truly bathed her...water run off was really was about 5.6.
I have done it with ph 6.2 and the runoff is nearly clear.
Do I put anything in now?


New Member
and before trying to find another solution, try a few more flushes if the first doesnt work.
EDIT: I keep forgetting to mention small things and end up posting another reply :lol: :lol:
Hahaha I was doing that earlier...yeah I will just keep giving her water..but if she is OK will her colour come back? Will I then continue to feed or? Because even tho she is behind it will be a fair bit behind
Hahaha I was doing that earlier...yeah I will just keep giving her water..but if she is OK will her colour come back? Will I then continue to feed or? Because even tho she is behind it will be a fair bit behind
I believe her color should come back yes, when it does you can then slowly start to feed nutes, I would go about half or maybe even a quarter of what you want your mix to be and see how she reacts to it. hopefully if all goes well you should be able to harvest a few weeks after she is healthy again.