Needs Nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
The ones in the front are turning lime green. Both the same strain. They've recovered from russet mites but now seem to have either N deficiency or something else.

Any thoughts? I just foliar fed them seaweed today to see if they spring back a bit. Considering getting some fish emulsion for fast N.



Well-Known Member
The ones in the front are turning lime green. Both the same strain. They've recovered from russet mites but now seem to have either N deficiency or something else.

Any thoughts? I just foliar fed them seaweed today to see if they spring back a bit. Considering getting some fish emulsion for fast N.

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I have no outdoor cannabis experience but I will play. First of all, nice plants. I only see the deficiency on newer leaves except for the one on the right foreground so I'm going to say not N def on the others. Are they all same strain? So theoretically I think you are looking for an immobile nute on the left one, (ignoring the bottom yellow leaves), so that is most likely Ca def. If you add Ca I don't think you also want Mg why they sell those together I don't know, they are antagonistic to each other. And maybe pH has a role to play but it has to be way off I think for N def so maybe right front is a light strain. But maybe you can give info on your water, soil mix and feed and give some idea of what pH is. At any rate, can I have your garden? Good luck!

Edit: sorry looked again I see prob Ca def on top of right foreground also and you said those 2 are same strain.


Well-Known Member
I have no outdoor cannabis experience but I will play. First of all, nice plants. I only see the deficiency on newer leaves except for the one on the right foreground so I'm going to say not N def on the others. Are they all same strain? So theoretically I think you are looking for an immobile nute on the left one, (ignoring the bottom yellow leaves), so that is most likely Ca def. If you add Ca I don't think you also want Mg why they sell those together I don't know, they are antagonistic to each other. And maybe pH has a role to play but it has to be way off I think for N def so maybe right front is a light strain. But maybe you can give info on your water, soil mix and feed and give some idea of what pH is. At any rate, can I have your garden? Good luck!

Edit: sorry looked again I see prob Ca def on top of right foreground also and you said those 2 are same strain.
Thanks, my water source has high Ca so I think this could be more of a Mg issue.

I haven't fed them anything aside from the soil they were planted in...recipe 420 from E.B. stone. So tap water and their existing soil.

I feel like there's a chance that the high Ca in my water is locking out the Mg and N, which is turning them light green.

The two lime green ones are a sativa leaning strain and apparently this can happen to them. I've started foliar feeding Epsom salts yesterday but the yellowing is coming in super fast - they were darker green a week ago.


New Member
I would say poor drainage / overwatering. Hard to say which outdoors. Then leading to a nitrogen deficiency since lower leaves are yellow on left plant.
Feed light nitrogen and see if they darken.