Gorilla Glue #4 Community Journal


Well-Known Member
Not much to see but wanted to post a little update so I don't forget.
This plant was getting super bushy and the inside areas werent getting any light at all. I used the clips I had and did some bending to open up the middle area. It looks pretty bad. This was done on 9/23.8:23:24.jpeg

I also topped all of the branches recently and this next pic is from today. She's filling in nicely! From the looks of it she's gonna crowd up the middle again. I may have to get a trellis!

I'm liking this Autopot so far. At this point I'm only adding 1 gallon of nutrient solution at a time. She's just not using a lot and I didnt want the solution in that 12 gallon tank to go bad. I was doing drain to waste before and it seemed I was always adding to the rez, adjusting ph, empting the waste tank, etc. With this autopot I dont have much of anything to do! I almost feel like I'm missing something. I'm gonna get lazy!

Not sure how much longer I'll let her veg. Maybe a couple more weeks then do the flip.

Like I said, not much to see yet but she's coming along.