Never had buds look like this so early…


Well-Known Member
So I have a white truffle x Okie, photoperiod, Indoor and grown from seed.
She has been through a lot but was flipped to 12/12 on July 22 and started showing pistils within a few days. My math says she’s at day 40 of 12/12. The buds are still relatively small but about right for this strain in week 5-6 of flower. The strain isn’t known for giant buds but the quality is exceptional.
What has me scratching my head is the fact that every single white pistil has turned brown and most have receded. I’ve grown this strain before and it’s a solid 10 week of flowering strain, give or take a few days.
Normally I don’t start looking at trichs IMG_8521.jpegIMG_8523.jpegIMG_8522.jpeguntil much closer to harvest, but I took a look today and they look like week 8-9 trichs…..mostly cloudy. The buds have not went through their swelling stage at all and I know they are not ready…..but has anyone had their pistils turn and recede so early ???
I hope these buds swell up like they’re supposed to. It’s just an odd one for me.


Well-Known Member
Just a fast finishing phenotype of that strain. Hope you took a clone!
Ha….it’s funny u mention a clone. This plant was a seed from a clone that somehow produced like 8 seeds…..I guess stress caused it to do so. I grew another one of the 8 seeds not long ago and it was harvested on day 72 I think.
I’m hoping they keep on trucking and fatten up some. The buds are pretty small…..


Well-Known Member
Give 1 of the buds a squeeze
If they are solid allready I'd let them go a few more weeks end up like brick hard buds
They’re solid…..just small. The trichs don’t say they’re ready, but they look further along than day 40. I’m gonna let her go a few weeks regardless……unless the trichs really start going amber. It’s the pistils that confuse me……I can’t find one that hasn’t turned brown already.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful plants. Looks like a fast developing girl. Odds are good you'll find a few more seeds but that's not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
I was about to say the same!
Since it was a seed from a clone that wasn’t fast finishing, how can this pheno be different ??
I grew the actual clone about 2 yrs ago and it self pollinated and produced just a few seeds (like 8 or 9) out of 5 oz of dried buds.
More recently, I grew another one of those same seeds and it took around 10 weeks and looked exactly like the mother.
This plant looks identical in bud structure, aroma, etc.
If I didn’t know the plant was on day 42 of 12/12 and just looked at it and checked out the trichs with my loupe, I’d say it looks to have another 8-10days. That would put it at 50 days of 12/12.
I guess I’ll see in 8-10 days.

conor c

Well-Known Member
Since it was a seed from a clone that wasn’t fast finishing, how can this pheno be different ??
I grew the actual clone about 2 yrs ago and it self pollinated and produced just a few seeds (like 8 or 9) out of 5 oz of dried buds.
More recently, I grew another one of those same seeds and it took around 10 weeks and looked exactly like the mother.
This plant looks identical in bud structure, aroma, etc.
If I didn’t know the plant was on day 42 of 12/12 and just looked at it and checked out the trichs with my loupe, I’d say it looks to have another 8-10days. That would put it at 50 days of 12/12.
I guess I’ll see in 8-10 days.
Cos s1s are like f2s if I reading you right that's why cos you will find faster and slower ones in a s1 Vs the cut s1s rarely turn out very close to the mother Ime only if something is inbred and stable and even then surprises can pop up
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Well-Known Member
Cos s1s are like f2s if I reading you right that's why cos you will find faster and slower ones in a s1 Vs the cut s1s rarely turn out very closer to the mother Ime only if something is inbred and stable and even then surprises can pop up


Well-Known Member
Cos s1s are like f2s if I reading you right that's why cos you will find faster and slower ones in a s1 Vs the cut s1s rarely turn out very close to the mother Ime only if something is inbred and stable and even then surprises can pop up
I’m sorry I know very little about the genetics….not even sure about most of the vernacular. Is the term for a self pollinated clone seed S1? Whats an F2?

conor c

Well-Known Member
I’m sorry I know very little about the genetics….not even sure about most of the vernacular. Is the term for a self pollinated clone seed S1? Whats an F2?
That's ok il try and help so a S1 is self pollinated seeds F1 is the first filial generation f2 is the second filial generation it's in this gen that you see the most variation and see what's in the gene pool not just parent phenos you will see huge variety and a wide spread of them well same thing thing when you self pollinate something like a f2 your opening up the genepool so you will see many different phenos then too


Well-Known Member
That's ok il try and help so a S1 is self pollinated seeds F1 is the first filial generation f2 is the second filial generation it's in this gen that you see the most variation and see what's in the gene pool not just parent phenos you will see huge variety and a wide spread of them well same thing thing when you self pollinate something like a f2 your opening up the genepool so you will see many different phenos then too
Thanks man…..I think I get it. This plant looks and smells exactly like the clone and the other s1 I grew last yr. It’s crazy though….i looked hard at the trichs today and there are def way more cloudy ones than clears. I even spotted a few ambers on a few spots. They’re still not quite where I want them when I harvest, so I’m gonna let her grow for time being. I can’t imagine letting her go longer than 2 weeks though….i don’t wanna lose terps. She’s incredibly sticky and smells like a cross between a fruit smoothie and a Hobo’s morning breath. Very very funky.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man…..I think I get it. This plant looks and smells exactly like the clone and the other s1 I grew last yr. It’s crazy though….i looked hard at the trichs today and there are def way more cloudy ones than clears. I even spotted a few ambers on a few spots. They’re still not quite where I want them when I harvest, so I’m gonna let her grow for time being. I can’t imagine letting her go longer than 2 weeks though….i don’t wanna lose terps. She’s incredibly sticky and smells like a cross between a fruit smoothie and a Hobo’s morning breath. Very very funky.
It sounds like you are really on top of your grows! The plant will tell you when it is done if you let it!