2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

I have 1 Salvisa and 2 Salvisa offspring from the resistant plant from last year. The 2 offspring are doing great! The Salvisa is doing pretty good. Looking at my pollen supply and trying to figure out what to cross to my resistant strains and look at next year. But at least I have a direction. Its tough to admit I can't grow whatever I want outdoors in the environment I live in!
maybe send that pollen right into superwreck or another, older trainwreck..... there's something tw's dna....and it aint the golf swing!


Well-Known Member
maybe send that pollen right into superwreck or another, older trainwreck..... there's something tw's dna....and it aint the golf swing!
I have plenty of genetics to work with that I have seen firsthand exhibit resistance. I don't trust most strains to be what they are labeled these days, unless they are from a handful of breeders and I get them directly from those people. It's not like fruits and vegetables, which have been selected and stabilized rigorously for the last 100 years or so. I'll be looking at a bunch of The Work crosses, (which is what Salvisa is), for next summer's grow. Those are bred outdoors in Michigan.