When to start watering to run off coco coir help


With 72F and 65rh I doubt they need more than just once a day feed so Im sure its fine no matter what the runoff collect appears to be.

I havent thought about doing that I just kept feeding them until runoff. I could notice how much it dried back based on feeding, waiting a moment, feed again.

Then eventually it puddles up and have to wait longer but now theres some runoff and almost done. One or two more dumps of water and done.

The runoff should just be decent in the collection bin or however your doing things. Like now, my runoff bin is unusually low and not accumilating.

Im not doing anything more than making shre enough runoff is there. Will probably accumilate again when I have 5 more plants running off.

Im just in a transition mode 2/3rds my tents empty in flower room. Upgrading tents lights everything.

Anyway, so once a day should be fine and this early it shouldnt even be puddling, thats when the very top has enough roots to do so.

In short youre fine Id just keep doing what youre doing and not worry. Just make sure each plant has enough runoff to avoid salt build up.

What will help more than anything I described is measuring runoff ec from each plant. If your doing ok you should have almost equal input vs output.

Maybe .1-.3 points higher at most before adjusting something like how long they runoff for. A simple trick to avoid any elaborate practice is just feed the son of a guns to decent runoff.

Decent to us should mean substantial to a new grower so they dont skimp. Just try over doing it, just not too many times a day and you should be fine.

It wont harm it giving it substancial runoff but doing that 8x a day or more may like it badly bit me for doing that.

I switched my veg plants from 2x to 1x a day. Helps with root aphids and gnats which can screw you over all year long. Idk how commercial ops do it.

Edit to add you can add one more feed per day to help lower high ec runoff. But I didnt find that to fix a deficiency or low ec runoff.
Yeah don’t think they need more than one per day mate maybe just bit more than what I was giving before, but yeh I lifting the pot is quite good for me to see how light.

Aye mate maybe I need test them individually to see as I just put it all in one pot.

Hmm. Theyre pretty young to be that hungry and low root density. But yes that usually means so.

That member has a good guide they share for what they do exactly but its pretty much make sure runoff is good and up it by about that much and wait a couple weeks. Check again. Repeat.

I did that till I was as high as 1.8ec. My tap ec is .5.
But yeah true mate only about 2 weeks old right now maybe little older but not including the few days I stunted the growth haha, but the roots are starting to become pretty visible through the holes in bottom of the pots going to transplant them couple days, will probably try up the feed slightly by .1-.2 see how they do, but cheers will need to check that out.

Starting to look better now the lights came on will post a pic up in half an hour.


Well-Known Member
Oh I dont think ec121 or I caught that, your measuring runoff of all plants in one runoff container? Youre supposed to test each individually.

I think I recall dipping ec meter in runoff bin that holds it all out of curiousity and rather it was lower or higher it wasnt consistent at all. I think it was much lower ec than usual.

But yea dont do that, test them each on their own.


Oh I dont think ec121 or I caught that, your measuring runoff of all plants in one runoff container? Youre supposed to test each individually.

I think I recall dipping ec meter in runoff bin that holds it all out of curiousity and rather it was lower or higher it wasnt consistent at all. I think it was much lower ec than usual.

But yea dont do that, test them each on their own.
Aw right thanks mate, I’ll do it individually next time then and see before deciding about upping the food.


Well-Known Member
I would put it on a plant saucer with no holes in it, toss the runoff into a solocup or so, so the smallest amount can still be measured. The ec meter needs some depth into the water to read it. The cup allows that.

Make sure the saucer is clean.


Well-Known Member
If you dont have a saucer only thing I can think of as a alternative so you dont have to buy anything, just use a garbage bag or some kind of bag. But keep the pot suspended from the runoff.


I would put it on a plant saucer with no holes in it, toss the runoff into a solocup or so, so the smallest amount can still be measured. The ec meter needs some depth into the water to read it. The cup allows that.

Make sure the saucer is clean.
Yeah cheers mate, I put a pic below looking better now and aye mate I have a few saucers spare will be fine.

I spread them out to since they were getting a bit close to each other.



Well-Known Member
Wow I thought they were in bigger pots. Thats like a cup size. Yea they seem ready to transplant, just in time for what I see on average for people that transplant.

Checking ec in something that small and then again right after transplanting rather it can effect readings idk. Maybe ec121 would know.

I never have in this situation. The natural umph seedlings have typically feed off anything for a while before showing issues. Just a thought.

Ive tested clones like a month after planting to one gal is the soonest I checked runoff.


Well-Known Member
Ive tested runoff in a solo cup and a one L pot but that was like almost 2 months into flower. I just wonder in this situation being so newly planted and then again with all that unrooted coco.

Id think if you tested runoff before it rooted thoroughly in new pot it may effect readings. Probably not so idk wtf Im saying. Im tired as shit. harvest time be like that.