Whats going on with these?


Active Member
These 2 plants have started to burn or something and I'm wondering what it is
And if its something i need to worry about
only leaves that are affected are under the light20240902_203739.jpg20240902_203612.jpg20240902_203604.jpg20240902_203556.jpg20240902_203550.jpg20240902_203547.jpg
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conor c

Well-Known Member
Half the dose it tells me bc there autos
8ml/g calls for 16ml
Once you see the tips like that unless it's skunk or certain white rhino phenos as they can do that cos of genetics regardless of feeding that's the plant saying back off with the nutes a bit even if what your feeding is half dose the plant ain't saying that if u get me bud


Active Member
Once you see the tips like that unless it's skunk or certain white rhino phenos as they can do that cos of genetics regardless of feeding that's the plant saying back off with the nutes a bit even if what your feeding is half dose the plant ain't saying that if u get me bud
So do I just feed plain ph water for 2 feeds or how long? Or do I lower it to 4ml/g?


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using ..is it only one bottle of food or a bloom booster or anything
I grow photo periods but your in that stage of flowering


Active Member
What nutes are you using ..is it only one bottle of food or a bloom booster or anything
I grow photo periods but your in that stage of flowering
Advanced nute 3 part i use this chart whatever week I think I'm on week 4 not really sure I'm a month in so ive been feeding week4 and will start 5 on friday
I use all the additives toScreenshot_20240803_014517_Samsung Notes.jpg


Well-Known Member
If it's truly "nutrient burn" @ half strength nutes, then something else is to blame. Not enough drainage in the pot, or not watering thoroughly enough when you feed, I'd say.

Something to keep in mind about overfeeding and lockouts, is it looks virtually the same as deficiency.
What we see as nutrient burn, is deficiency symptoms.
Usually from one of the NPK's like nitrogen locking potassium out for example. Potassium deficiency and nute burn can look quite alike.

My advice is tread carefully now. Be patient.
Assume it is a bit of nute burn, but don't go flushing a whole bunch of water. Just plain water one time to runoff.
Then wait and see if it gets any better or worse. Decide course of action the following watering. (more/less nutrient for example)

Some questions,
what media are you using to grow?
what nutrients are you using?
EC and pH of your feed?
have you been watering thoroughly and to runoff?

If you do have an EC meter, it'd be worth seeing if the runoff water is high, next watering.
It won't be accurate, so don't rely on the numbers, but if it's way high, then it's high.