Chronicles of Cultivation

They look as though they are getting pretty thick. What are your temps and R/H now you increased your DLI?
8/26 through today. Both lights at 50% to achieve the highest DLI of 53. 324 watts total during a heatwave here in the Midwest. They survived, probably silly of me but I think we are still gonna be ready for the first day of flower Saturday. Next time I will ramp up a little sooner to see how they respond. It truly was in the name of science lmao!
Purple stems and freak leaves. Just not happy but they are not crispy. They're just mad at me I think lol

Tbh I'm not sure if it was actual light or heat because the radiant heat coming off my lights was heavy. I don't know, I love this shit. I was listening to Dr bugsbee* and I was like hey! Like turn these bitches up! Nahhhh lmao! I'm trying to understand DLI better. Just take my own grow more seriously. One thing I know, they will grow themselves. Our interference is typically the culprit to all problems. The first day if I would have posted a pic and asked WHATS THIS PROBLEM I can just hear the comments! It was me fucking with the lights giving them apocalyptic intensity geeesh man stop fucking with your plants bro!

Post apocalyptic light intensity photo
Day 70/71

Tomorrow is the start of 12/12. Ramping up so quickly might not have been ideal, but I’m learning. The plants are bouncing back nicely, regaining their color and vigor. I’ll make a note in my journal to increase intensity more gradually in the future to avoid stunting growth. Despite the recent stress, I’m confident about flipping the switch and sticking to the plan. I’m holding off on defoliation and lollipopping for now; over the next 3 weeks, I’ll selectively remove leaves. On Day 21, we’ll hit them hard, culling spindly branches and installing the final support net. I’m thrilled with their progress—they’ve been through a lot! The last pieces for my propagation tent should arrive within the week, so I’m looking forward to starting the next run. Trying out different cultivars will be a challenge, but I’m excited to learn and stay humble.

Big thanks to everyone who’s shared their grow experiences. Watching different approaches has been fun and motivating!

**Date**: September 4, 2024
**Stage**: Flowering
**Day Count**: Day 75 of Vegetative / Day 4 of Flowering
- Last week's light issue didn't hinder growth too much; plants seem healthy.
- Installed 2 fans (top and bottom canopy) for better air circulation; app-controlled for convenience.
- Notable increase in height; plants are starting to stretch.
- Significant smell increase—getting quite pungent.
- Planning to install a second trellis this weekend or early next week.
- Setting up the PROPAGATION STATION this week.
- Adjusted daily schedule to 10 AM - 10 PM; still evaluating this time frame.

Loving this thread. You explain things well and I like that. This dli journey your on is intriguing. Something new to me. I'm aware of it but have never payed attention. Your plants seemed to respond well to your test. I look forward to reading more.

Super excited to see ya jump into flower. They will fill that space pretty fast. Your early training has them pretty branchy n bushy. Plants are looking great.
Loving this thread. You explain things well and I like that. This dli journey your on is intriguing. Something new to me. I'm aware of it but have never payed attention. Your plants seemed to respond well to your test. I look forward to reading more.

Super excited to see ya jump into flower. They will fill that space pretty fast. Your early training has them pretty branchy n bushy. Plants are looking great.

Thanks for the love! My plants are auditioning for their roles in “Botanical Blockbuster,” and DLI is their secret weapon. It’s like their personal fitness trainer, helping them get into top shape for their big flowering debut. Stay tuned for the next episode of “As the Garden Grows,” where the real drama unfolds under optimal light!
Yeah thats a fancy looking fan you have there!

EC fans are game changers comapared to AC fans... realy powerfull for the size and pretty much linear power consumption depending on speed setting comepared to traditional AC fans.

Didn't realize there were different types. This is my first time having all this PROPER GEAR! lol

*before I just prayed the wind was in my favor! Bahahahha
Didn't realize there were different types. This is my first time having all this PROPER GEAR! lol

*before I just prayed the wind was in my favor! Bahahahha

Yeah it's really good kit.... EC is not a new technology, but kinda new to the consumer market..

compared to AC (as in alternating current, not AC infinity as in the brand name)...

Its super powerfull and efficient, a typical AC fan if you slow it down via PWM (pulse width modulataion...basically switching it off/on really fast to achive the desired air flow) it will still be using pretty much that same amount of power.

With say, for example you have a 100w EC fan, if you dial it down to 25% power it will only use about 25w.
Looking here:

Max power draw 28w, so if you run it at half speed it will only be using about 14w... it's awsome for your electic bill!
EC fans are expensive to buy, especially if you you want wi-fi and smart features, but they are fricking awsome!

The wi-fi and smart features will have a power consumption overhead so your millage may vary....:D
yeah.. I should have bought a 4" or 5" one given my grow space, but I went with a 6" one as my carbon filter and ducting was already 6".

Mother of full speed it's like a cyclone... It could probably suck up a hampster or a small cat, if it got too close to the duct, hahahah!

And it's only rated at 40w... ...I don't think I've ever turned it up more than 50% other than testing it.

It does sound a bit like a jet engine at full speed, but the airflow is just crazy.