Anybody got any weird phobias?


Active Member
I suppose mines weird, I've got papyrophobia. Its the fear of paper, so weird but ive had it since i can remember but ive never met anyone else with it. If I see paper my hair stands up & I get an all over feeling of anxiousness. My body feels so irritated that I have a physical reaction. If I have to touch paper it's unbearable. Really sucks trying to work, so much paper everywhere no matter what. Even the thought of it affects me. I also hate my bare feet touching the ground, started from someone I knew having a filthy floor.


Well-Known Member
I suppose mines weird, I've got papyrophobia. Its the fear of paper, so weird but ive had it since i can remember but ive never met anyone else with it. If I see paper my hair stands up & I get an all over feeling of anxiousness. My body feels so irritated that I have a physical reaction. If I have to touch paper it's unbearable. Really sucks trying to work, so much paper everywhere no matter what. Even the thought of it affects me. I also hate my bare feet touching the ground, started from someone I knew having a filthy floor.
Use a pipe.


It is pseudodysphagia. It can start out as fear of choking but it can progress to fear of swallowing. I'd get a consult with a speech pathologist just to be sure you're ok.
Thanks for your concern but it isn't a phobia as in "anxiety disorder". I had actual bouts of choking on and off for 3 weeks when I had Covid last year and I just really, REALLY, don't want to die like that. It's not based on something irrational or unrealistic but on what I experienced during the worst month of my life.

I guess my response was more an answer to the question "What seems like a horrible way to die" than "got any weird phobias"