Craziest forming buds ever??

Bag seed, outdoor, just funky from the get go, crazy leaves, and super slow...kinda have a feeling she will go u til nov... started an auto about 1.5 months ago that started flowering 2-3 weeks ago and it's far surpassed the pisitls and bud formation of this one... in her 3rd or 4th week of flower... I just don't know what to say about her... I'm guessing whatever kinda nugs I end up with with be a giant pain to trim... only second grow season ever...



Well-Known Member
It’s bag seed, so I guess just roll with it at this point. If you have cooperative weather, let it keep running and who knows, maybe it’ll be killer smoke. GL!!!


Well-Known Member
Bag seed, outdoor, just funky from the get go, crazy leaves, and super slow...kinda have a feeling she will go u til nov... started an auto about 1.5 months ago that started flowering 2-3 weeks ago and it's far surpassed the pisitls and bud formation of this one... in her 3rd or 4th week of flower... I just don't know what to say about her... I'm guessing whatever kinda nugs I end up with with be a giant pain to trim... only second grow season ever...
It’s frosting up already which I’d say is a good thing. It may be leafy in the end, so prepare. It could be well worth it. Did you happen to take any clones? I’m leaning towards not being it your second grow. Definitely think about it later on if you end up searching for/buying genetics.

As far as trimming.. it can be a pita for real. My wife bought me an ac infinity bowl trimmer xl and it’s saved me hours of trimming. I do about 2oz per go at it. Take 1-2 mins to trim the whole lot. Not sure if the one she got was the cheaper or higher priced bowl trimmer of all who sell them, but it’s worth all the time saved hand trimming a unit in sections alone.
Good luck with the grow. If outside keep those pests away.
It’s frosting up already which I’d say is a good thing. It may be leafy in the end, so prepare. It could be well worth it. Did you happen to take any clones? I’m leaning towards not being it your second grow. Definitely think about it later on if you end up searching for/buying genetics.

As far as trimming.. it can be a pita for real. My wife bought me an ac infinity bowl trimmer xl and it’s saved me hours of trimming. I do about 2oz per go at it. Take 1-2 mins to trim the whole lot. Not sure if the one she got was the cheaper or higher priced bowl trimmer of all who sell them, but it’s worth all the time saved hand trimming a unit in sections alone.
Good luck with the grow. If outside keep those pests away.
Thanks for the input bud!! And I actually thought forward enough to get a clone of her... everything she does is just super slow... I thought maybe the N in the soil was too high(so very leafy) so I did a half hearted flush this morning and chased it with some bloom nutes with no N... hopefully enough left in the soil and her vegetation to get me through but if I see she needs more I can follow up as needed... I have not spent enough time in trim jail to purchase a bowl trimmer bur have considered it... maybe this girl will change my mind... she is getting very very frosty already... Def got that old funky skunky smell with the stem rub and from the clone I flipped to flower to sex her a month or 2 ago... I will definitely keep updating on how she grows!! I added a few pic of the girls from.last summer as well!


Well here we are Sept 13 and things are coming along but super slowly... planted an auto next to the funky girl and she has grown and quickly surpassed the " bud size" of the funky bag seed... the weird one is still doing ok just so super leafy, pretty frosty but not really forming what we all love...BUDS!!! she's forming some, kinda... what do you think?? Also included 3 pics of the auto... it's " think savage" from Savage land exotics... supposedly " think different x Savage AK"20240913_131535.jpg20240913_131657.jpg20240913_131730.jpg20240913_131646.jpg20240913_131633.jpg20240913_131425.jpg20240913_131343.jpg20240913_131354.jpg20240913_131335.jpg
My guess from looking at the original pics of your ”funky budding” plant, is that it revegged early in flower.
Yea I had thought that too, but It has been outside literally since may, and was topped early and never even showed sex until august... I cloned her to sex and that was the only reason I knew before hand... she's been super duper slow growing and weird the whole way, letting her ride more out of curiosity than anything... also considered she might still have too much nitrogen in the soil so I flushed her a couple weeks ago and have basically given her no additional nitrogen since... we shall see!!