Is it time yet?

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
Hey I'm wondering if anyone who is reading this can look at the pictures below and tell me how the plant looks and how much longer it has? It's day 74 week 11. I'm a newer grower, this is the best plant I've had so far. I'm wondering when to stop feeding? The plant wasn't ready at the normal general recommendation of "9weeks" clearly. My last grow went bad because I harvested to early and stopped feeding right at 8 weeks because that's what I read an idiot.

Anyway any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

- Jimi


Jimi O'Connor

Active Member


Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
Yeah they have 3 weeks to go and your plants are pulling nutes from the fans, could be not enough feed or a lockout.
So I was in the process of weening the plant off the food. This was when I thought I was supposed to stop feeding at 8 weeks so the foods been a little off. However today I fed the plant and I checked the runoff and it was at 7.1 PH. But I checked the ph after it sat in the tray for half the day because I wasn't home. So the ph could have drifted higher.

Is that possible you think?

You say 3 weeks left so feed for another week then ween off again then just water?


Well-Known Member
So I was in the process of weening the plant off the food. This was when I thought I was supposed to stop feeding at 8 weeks so the foods been a little off. However today I fed the plant and I checked the runoff and it was at 7.1 PH. But I checked the ph after it sat in the tray for half the day because I wasn't home. So the ph could have drifted higher.

Is that possible you think?

You say 3 weeks left so feed for another week then ween off again then just water?
You might be high on the ph but i cant really help there atm.

I personally would taper feed , but don't fully flush , if you wanna flush just the last week, i also like to do 18/24 hours for the last week, that shit really fattens the buds.