Help! Caterpillars make a grown man cry!


Active Member
Had to chop 6 big kolas off today from poop and pee and mold ridden caterpillar damage. I found two small caterpillars but I suspect there’s more. So they favor one plant over the other? I sprayed BT but maybe not enough. Is it too late to spray now? Any thoughts and suggestions please. Outdoor sativa grow. Moved all my plants to a more visible location so I can cut out damage as soon as possible.



Well-Known Member
Spray Suffoilx or mineral oil + bt, kills em and adults and also prevent of pm

suffoilx and bt can be applied to week before harvest np, just make sure if not suffoilx for mineral oil it’s just that and not a brand with other pesticides included that aren’t flowering approval


Active Member
How much for mix ratio? I purchased a couple already “to go BT sprays, they might have oil in them. Is there a technique for getting into the buds where they are? Stupid question but maybe someone has one…also I heard that the cabbage looper caterpillars that I have are florescent under UV light. So gonna buy a UV flashlight and go hunting. Bought a leaf blower for morning fog/dew drying as well.


Active Member
I cut out the rotten stuff/affected stuff & make hash form what is salvageable.
Put several ounces worth in the freezer today.

Good luck with the rest
Thanks man. Yeah I still have a couple pounds from last year! lol. I was spraying once a week…doing everything I could. If only I didn’t need to sleep. I need a GREENHOUSE F this Shite!


Well-Known Member
How much for mix ratio? I purchased a couple already “to go BT sprays, they might have oil in them. Is there a technique for getting into the buds where they are? Stupid question but maybe someone has one…also I heard that the cabbage looper caterpillars that I have are florescent under UV light. So gonna buy a UV flashlight and go hunting. Bought a leaf blower for morning fog/dew drying as well.
What is the brand


Well-Known Member
I spray BT with good results. I spray during early flower. I'm as guilty as you of neglect. When I'm lazy things can get out of hand. But when I'm on it I nip it in the bud so to speak. Crushing those fucking worms in my fingers.


Well-Known Member
for me i suggest in future to buy diphel pro, cost effective and works great
The powdered DiPel and Xentari (Bt-k and Bt-a) have a longer shelf life than liquid formulations.
Mixed together, effective against a wider range of caterpillars and stem borers than just the Bt-k, such as cabbage loopers, diamondback moth, european corn borers. Xentari doesn't cover as broad a list as Dipel. Just use that if you pick one.
Work really well against young caterpillars, along with spinosad and plants innoculated with Botanigard (b.basianna) earlier in flower.
The Botanigard will also help fight off PM and botrysis, as well as infecting young caterpillars and insects.
(Concerve is spinosad)

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