How to keep my super soil for next season


Active Member
Please tell me the best way for keeping my super soil healthy and perfect for next season. My super soil is from mr. Cannuck a well reputable grower, it consists of pro-mix hp, worm castings, gaia green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 with some mykos. I only fed my plants with ph 6.5 - 7.5 rain water, no nutrients at all. Now i want to keep this soil for next season, what’s the best way to do it? Please help.


Well-Known Member
I keep mine in totes, but I’ve drilled several holes in the totes and covered those holes with some breathable paper/micropore tape. This allows the soil to “breathe” and stay aerobic. Depending on what organic goodies are in your soil, and if it’s a living soil, it can go anaerobic and the ph will drop, and it can get stinky and sour.


Well-Known Member
I used to put a tarp down, put four buckets on top and then a rest a box screen on those. I would dump the rootballs onto it with lime, granular fertilizer, compost, wormcastings...etc and then force it all through by hand. If it looked dense I would toss in some more perlite.
That reamended mix went into contactor bags with holes. Then stored on pallets overwinter.


Well-Known Member
I re-amend the soil before storage, then fill the pots, topdress, and water the soil when I germinate my next seeds. This gives it about three weeks to 'cook' before transplanting.