How do you properly clean and maintain a bong for the best flavor and smoking experience?

tina solomon

New Member
For a quick bong clean, just fill it with hot water and shake it vigorously. This helps remove loose residue and makes deep cleaning easier later.


Well-Known Member
Cleaning it after every session with hot water really helps prevent the hard to remove build up. Once it’s dirty it usually kosher salt and isopropyl for me, then a nice hot water rinse.


Well-Known Member
Isopropyl alcohol 99 or 91% coarse kosher or sea salt whichever I have more of, and a quick shake then rinse. I mostly use a ball vape on my bong now so it doesn’t get nearly as dirty


Well-Known Member
Get yourself an excessive amount of bowls for your bong, and you'll literally just rotate throughout the day to fresh bowl.

I keep a large container with a lid on my kitchen counter, and filled it up with 91% isopropyl alcohol.

After I smoke a bowl.. I'll just drop the used/dirty one into the alcohol container and grab a clean one for my next session.

At the end of the day, I just give the dirty bowl container a shake which cleans the bowls, and give them a rinse with water.

Dump the bong and give it a quick swish with alcohol and rinse with water.


Clean for the next day. bongsmilie

Hook Daddy

Well-Known Member
I let mine go until there’s a thick sludge instead of water, think La Brea tar pits. Then you can scrape out the resin and smoke it in a chamber pipe to resinate the nice fresh bud inside, it makes it much more potent. Reminds me of high school days.

JK, I use iso and salt, shake it up, same as so many above. I still laugh at the crap we used to do as kids, memories.