Mold or deficiency?


Active Member
Hey people,

I checked on my plants today and had to plug some leaves which had issues I'm not familiar with. I have been trying to keep the humidity down but when light goes off it spikes for a hour or so so unacceptable levels untill I can get heating on to bring it back down to 50%. So I'm slightly worried this is a mold/fungus. With this being said, there was a slight deficiency showing earlier this week in the lower leaves so perhaps this is the plant stripping nutrients?

If any body has seen this and can help me identify it would be appreciated!



Active Member
I havnt checked the run off but ec going in is 1.3 1.4 and ph 5.8 or 6.1. But oh vaires sometimes as I ph daily. Quite happy it's a nutrient thing rather than a fungus!

This particular plant is huge compared to the others and drinks the most and dries on the top by the morning. It gets 4 litres a day once at Sun rise and another half way through the day. But by the time it's morning it's very light compared to the others. Could drying out cause an issue? I've been staying up until 1 in the morning to hand feed and have to get up at 7 to put the heater on so it's been a real struggle to give it enough water.


Active Member
Its not related to watering, if it were the case the leaves would have dried and crumbled. To me it looks hungry, don’t think its overfed. 1.3 Ec is a tad to low in flower, but we don’t know whats in your medium. So hard to tell, can you read your ph and ppm next watering in your run off? Quite often if you balance your ph before you water your plants, the ph at the roots could be totally different and make a unstable environment. Based on how often u water I would strongly believe most of the base nutrients in your medium is gone, so the plant is now 100% dependent on the food coming in when u water it


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of factors at play, and you’ll kind of have to go through them one by one - your temps, feeding strength, and how the plant has been progressing overall. It’s possible that the plant is just hungry. It’s also possible that drybacks from a big thirsty plant in a small pot caused salts to concentrate and lock out some stuff in your medium.


Active Member
Yeah sorry guys to be clear this is coco hence the smaller pots. Although I did not intend for it to be that big. I'll try and up the dose and also take a reading of run off and report back. I'll consider flushing it also as I have canna flush incase it's a salt issue. Then I'll start to run drip clean in the res.

Thanks guys for getting onto this quickly!