Leaf damage? Dtw coco


Well-Known Member
Only thing I think I can do is toss everything and start over some other time when everythings super clean.

Its not on the moms or new strain so theres that. I just know its gonna get worse. I seen people deal with it but I have to redeseign everything from ground up and could use a T break anyway.

Too many people get away with it so Im just down on luck and ignored valueable advice. Dont grow the way I was it just wont work.


Well-Known Member
Wow what a day. The main garden is gone it took the whole thing but not my moms and a test grow. Its a huge blow and wow Im on the urge of quitting growing and using but thats like saying Im giving up on everything because thats all I am and do. I have my reasons.

A nuking is in order its not a sick mom its just a mold growers are terrified of and I see why. Hell I learned too much this grow even though I got nothing. Well I still have something so Il just take it day by day. I never nuked before but it can happen back to back its scary.

Its the spores I need to get rid of then I can get to a decent concentration that allowed me to get this far. Could of been from my first grow idk. Cant let this be the end after everything Ive seen its possible for a part two. Im out for now though until everythings nuked and redesigned with fans, they probably help by getting them to not lay on a leaf.

I took a blow no doubt and sucks Im sure I drawed a lot of attention to myself but meh its how I handle it that matters. Il always be medidedicated may take breaks but Im always medicated its how Im dealing with this now.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Wow what a day. The main garden is gone it took the whole thing but not my moms and a test grow. Its a huge blow and wow Im on the urge of quitting growing and using but thats like saying Im giving up on everything because thats all I am and do. I have my reasons.

A nuking is in order its not a sick mom its just a mold growers are terrified of and I see why. Hell I learned too much this grow even though I got nothing. Well I still have something so Il just take it day by day. I never nuked before but it can happen back to back its scary.

Its the spores I need to get rid of then I can get to a decent concentration that allowed me to get this far. Could of been from my first grow idk. Cant let this be the end after everything Ive seen its possible for a part two. Im out for now though until everythings nuked and redesigned with fans, they probably help by getting them to not lay on a leaf.

I took a blow no doubt and sucks Im sure I drawed a lot of attention to myself but meh its how I handle it that matters. Il always be medidedicated may take breaks but Im always medicated its how Im dealing with this now.
I'm so sorry this happened to you.


Well-Known Member
Finding hepa filters remove spores the best and that ozone might not work as well but is harmful/damaging/smelly and dont like the idea of that. Any suggestions on how to nuke it let me know. Im thinking remove carpet so I can clean walls and floors get everything as a last resort.

I worry the carpet will just kick up more spores. Idk how to get into the inline fans or filters. Heck theres no way a hepa is all I need to fix the issue. Thinking move everything out that can be a vector to this issue.


Well-Known Member
Just doin more research its not that big a deal and probably can start up again real soon. Deep cleaning might actually release spores. They could of been there already just a luck of the draw that it lands on a leaf. When it does I guess I did the right thing since I saw what happens if you try to fight it.

I seen people do that and thought Id mimick success but thats the thing about growing you just have your own critical thinking at many times. I quit growing after my first moldy run but thought I did so poorly that it was due to that. A good few months of airing out the place no growing.

I started up again with one plant grows and just built confidense that budrot only happens in certain avoidable cases. Hell just watched a vid yesterday of a guy ranting on PM that he got it in even cleaner conditions same rh but better air flow big fans circulating canopy and still got it at 45-50rh.

Maybe when it feels right Il cut a clone and grow out a new strain Im about to test regardless of PM but if it dont get it then that means something to me. Even if its such a bro science level conclusion sometimes got to just go back to what you experienced and what happened when you tried that or this etc.


Well-Known Member
Said I wasnt sure what systemic means but I remember reading about it it simply means it has a life. Il stop there did some searching.

included thumbnail of what I found. I didnt see this before but people say its systemic to toss a plant. Idk if they mean human systemic which it is if thats what they meant but this may answer my question if it can come from the mom.

Its something empowering to know.



Well-Known Member
Fusarium wilt however and molds that travel through roots oof thats something to worry I have yet to look into that. Idk if I ever had it but I now get brown roots at flower maybe from gnats but sudden cola death last time. My rootballs used to be white at chop so its another issue I have.

edit ooo ya its systemic so fusarium and the like is the worst to have in my situation.

another edit botritus is though so thats what one meant indeed it is systemic. So botritus is worse than PM? Thats new to me. Ive seen PM spread like wild fire whole garden gone and never had botritus with this pheno until now.. Wtf.


Well-Known Member
Dude… This freakin explains some shit… I only just started growing from clones… My seed grows never ended up like this leading me to spend thousands makin me think why did Ingo this deep lol. I had lots of success homes idk.


Well-Known Member
Read a comment says keep rh at 55 so the wax cuticle on leaves dont dry out protecting them from pm. If too dry can cause pm too once the wax cuticle dries up the leaf is done and pm will attack. Its not just high rh but low rh too basically dialing things in. Just need make note of that also see what some yall think.

Also real large temp gaps which I also had which one said causes mildew spots those wet dew spots which they thought caused it but thats it for that comment. Then one below that suggesting seeds are more immune but then one said breeders will rather sell seeds cheap than toss a bad batch idk what that means though. Im not into breeding.

Im just thinking other things now that I lost the whole flower run besides this other strain Im testing that isnt effected by anything. Just grow clones one at a time maybe try autos only like I used to. I tried flipping early it doesnt always work. Autos could stay in a 24/0 light which may help. Considering all kinds of things now that its all I can do.

Im not keen on things to have quarentined and attention to detail each clone cutting etc to get a mother clean, but maybe not, maybe theyre fine. Ive had brown roots sudden plant death but then had some stay alive till chop but then a test grow. I tested the same strain first which was a revolutional idea that taught me hand trimming can almost double yield but ok white roots no mold fat mini colas. Then this.

So yea just do small scale grows soon invest in tower fans as my pedestal too big to be in tent. Small well grown opened up plants. Maybe run two dehueys to keep extra dry but then again I had good results at 55rh which may be evidence of what one said I mentioned just now.

Right now Im venting out the grow room finishing up the test grow and will soon take cuts and make a new space for them in yet another room. I see my veg tent isnt effected. I didnt lose those I just didnt mention them as who would flip a couple more clones now with said results lol. Cleaning is a given. Im using a hepa filter purifier about to get my own or at least a new filter for it but its something.

If my moms survive I need to give them a better space this cabinet is just pm heaven. My roomies want to get rid of carpet outside the grow room so I think Il try to take everything down and let them do that as my carpet is not helping the situation more making it hopeless.


Well-Known Member
Shoot let me correct that, they said breeders willing to sell cheap seeds than toss a bad batch it will come back to bite all of us. That eventually everything will die except new landraces with strong characteristics from old land races. Damn I forgot to read the rest of that.


Well-Known Member
Super rootbound plants with poor drainage can cause root rot though so can gnats. Something about my floraflex one gal pots aint helpin Im over vegging in them maybe. The roots judt act like a sponge dont dryback even at 5x a day which usually 8hrs is enough to be bone dry.

I used fabric pots before this. The plastic the roots just get rediculously bound and can squish it and see foul solutiom coming out. Im like the only one doing this too usually floraflex folks use 2 gal or larger.


Well-Known Member
Super rootbound plants with poor drainage can cause root rot though so can gnats. Something about my floraflex one gal pots aint helpin Im over vegging in them maybe. The roots judt act like a sponge dont dryback even at 5x a day which usually 8hrs is enough to be bone dry.

I used fabric pots before this. The plastic the roots just get rediculously bound and can squish it and see foul solutiom coming out. Im like the only one doing this too usually floraflex folks use 2 gal or larger.
How long did you veg in the 1gal?
I have my first 1gal that's 1 week into flower after 3 weeks veg from seed which is shorter than my usual 5.5 wk veg in 3+ gal pots.
So far it seems ok. Hopefully it will make it all the way through.


Well-Known Member
How long did you veg in the 1gal?
I have my first 1gal that's 1 week into flower after 3 weeks veg from seed which is shorter than my usual 5.5 wk veg in 3+ gal pots.
So far it seems ok. Hopefully it will make it all the way through.
I vegged 8 wks but did 10wks before trying to get the perpetual line dialed in. Its been such a mess the concept dont make sense to me anymore I just didnt succeed in it. Monocropping instead of different strains from seed. Gnats. They get it from above and below. Ones been trying to seal off the pot from gnats seems to be working I might try it.


Well-Known Member
I was told the root bound is good extra oxygen but finding the opposite it can actually choke and drown them and harbor stuff. I think going to try fabric pots next time so I only need to seal off the top. Id probably bag the whole pot in a fine mesh fabric maybe a big ass panty hose.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Just stuff a panty hose down into the pots as a liner first (instead of wrapping it all the way around the pot, which could stretch it out more and make bigger holes for them to get in).

Then, fill with the coco medium. Put your transplant in and wrap the opening of the liner around the little stalk of the plant with a rubber band, so it can stretch more as it grows bigger. Now the pesky little %$&@s can't get in or out at all, but you can still water and drain through the medium right through the sack, as long as you didn't pack it too tight.

I could take pics to show what i mean if you need. I have a panty hose drawer out in my grow room, lol.. You know, for the next time I do DTW again.

Basically, just grow each individual plant in gnat proof panty hose sacks, while loosely stuffing them down in your pots..


Well-Known Member
Just stuff a panty hose down into the pots as a liner first (instead of wrapping it all the way around the pot, which could stretch it out more and make bigger holes for them to get in).

Then, fill with the coco medium. Put your transplant in and wrap the opening of the liner around the little stalk of the plant with a rubber band, so it can stretch more as it grows bigger. Now the pesky little %$&@s can't get in or out at all, but you can still water and drain through the medium right through the sack, as long as you didn't pack it too tight.

I could take pics to show what i mean if you need. I have a panty hose drawer out in my grow room, lol.. You know, for the next time I do DTW again.

Basically, just grow each individual plant in gnat proof panty hose sacks, while loosely stuffing them down in your pots..
I think I get what you mean, just a panty hose of coco into the pot? I can try that. Any suggestions on how to get a PM outbreak into control? Im thinking a couple or one big air purifier with hepa unless the box of fans idea can be used with hepa.

Probably going to tear out carpet for hard floors since my grow is empty. Get it ready for a mini split to be installed so I dont have to vent in anymore keep it sealed. I wonder about things like inline fans and filters being hard to clean but the tent fabric probably can spray with h202 idk what else I could spray it with.. Bleach will bleach it.

Just gonna do small test grows build back up to where I was. Not worry about quotas and staying away from store just back to hobby growing. Get whatever I possibly can. Botritus spores too which I learned are just as bad.

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
The roots should air prune to some extent, but yeah they might wanna poke through. Even if they do breach the fabric, as long as they don't rot away the gnats still can't crawl through.

As far as PM.. Besides making blood offerings to please the cannabis gods.. when you get scratched pulling the old nasty carpet foam pad before install your new vinyl flooring..

I would hang full size cheap 20x20 inch box fans in the tents, up above the lights so its pointing down, centered near the ceiling with a little bit of room all around. Then you know dang well the air inside is circulating all the way throughout the canopy. Never mind oscillation, you just put the big fans on cycle timers, to go on and off every minute or so. To give the plants small breaks, just like when an oscillating fan changes directions, but without the POS oscillating mechanism that will fail sooner or later.

Now for the good part: Every grow, you tape a brand new -+$15 "allergen\spore rated" 1x20x20" furnace filter directly to the box fan's frame, on the intake side nearest the ceiling. It will line up perfectly, so you don't even need to worry much about taping the seams all the way around, just a piece in the middle of all four sides will do.

I'll take a bunch of DIY box fan w/ allergen filters over any of the household hepa air purifiers any day. You can't beat the price/performance ratio of the cheap box fan filters in passive or actively vented grow rooms IMO.