Can you tell how good the weed is just by looking at it?

Some seeded Oaxacan, in 1972, was the only stuff I ever got auditory hallucinations from.
It looked like the Oxacan Sinse, in the above photo, only with seeds. WShit would flat blast your ass, for hours, and would have ones eyes, blood red. If you got pulled over, you were busted.
Stuff had a heavy duty physical, and mental high, with a heavy, drunk comedown, and munchie raids, to the fridge. Lungbuster. $40 1/4lb. $140lb.
And every seed, was mature. Probably 95% germination rate. Think what they would be worth!!! 1000s-10,000 in a 1/4lb.
Have you tried any of the Oaxacan stuff that's available nowadays? Bodhi works some with it, and Coastal has his offerings. Probably others like RSC have some too. Any of them worth sifting through?
When a dealer brings a bag...
I have to inspect it
Some bags are A-1
others are near misses...
Some are straight boof packs

I have looked at a ton of bud
So I can spot indoor, outdoor, light dep, PGR

I can't really tell spray terps yet...because I haven't run into much of that. Same with THCA...
Under a scope you can see the difference on spray and trich but it is hard. And makes it harder that it actually smokes…. Unfortunately I have seen it:(
I trust my nose and eyeballs. If it doesn't pass those two simple tests, then its not worth ingesting. I smoked brown seeded brick weed when I was in middle school. It got me really stoned. By the time I got to high school, the streets were flooded with "chronic" (seedless indoor bud).

Im growing some TLT Malawi just to see how those landrace genetics compare to all the indoor hybrids. I wont know until spring of next year! Lol
Have you tried any of the Oaxacan stuff that's available nowadays? Bodhi works some with it, and Coastal has his offerings. Probably others like RSC have some too. Any of them worth sifting through?
No, I havent tried them, so I cant really say. All 3 you mentioned have a good rep, as far as I know. RSC is probably the most raw, and unworked.
Sounds like a seriously powerful effect! Those seeds must have been worth their weight in gold with such a high germination rate. It’s amazing how different that ’70s classic is from modern strains. Have you ever tried growing anything similar, or do you think it’s possible to find seeds like that today?
Back then, the seeds were basically worth nothing.

Also, in 1974, in my neck of the woods-NE Kentucky, we had a really long weed drought. 1st Id ever seen since the late 60s, when I started smoking. weed, was everywhere. Mainly coming from Columbus Ohio-Cincinnatti-Athens-Ohio University, which has been on the #1 party list school, for 50 years. Or longer. Also Morgantown University, which is a hop, and skip, from DC,, and not to mention, people were growing weed then-HERE, and SOME, did know to pull the males, though, it was all still mostly long flowering sativa, that wouldnt finish, but some of it, would still have a great buzz.
But, the drought of 74 lasted from about April-September, and thats when Columbian, began to trickle in. (90% of everything up until that time was Mexican(s), and some Jamaican, Thai, Hawaiian. I only saw what I would consider real deal Panama Red 1 time, in 1971. Buddies brother brought back 20lbs of what he said was Cambodian Black, in 1971.
But, afet 74 all the terrible weed was labeled Mexican, and all the better weed was Columbian.
I feel this drought was brought on by when Nixon, started Supplying Paraquat to Mexico, to spray, on the fields, starting in 1969. By 1975, the USA was in full force helping Mexico spray the fields.
IMHO, this decimated 90%+ of the original landrace strains that were there prior to 1969. While Im sure some of the strains survived, I never saw, not have I seen the top of the line Mexicans ever again, since 1974. Havent seen the Columbian Gold/Red since long ago either. Because they switched from weed, to coke, when RayGuns, Federally criminalized marijuana. It was more profitable, for the amount of space it takes up. 10lbs of weed takes up a much larher space than coke, when smuggling. Previous to Rayguns, there were NO FEDERAL MARIJUANA CRIMES. And only about 20-30 total Federal Crimes. When he left, there were more than 300.
Normally to do with the light
The things shade themselves or not getting enough umols
But your enviromentals has to be right
If you have a lot of what ya call flarf or pop corn flush them last 2 weeks or defoliate let the light hit the buds down there
You can usually tell what care went into growing the weed by seeing if its machine or hand trimmed. Machine trimmed qnd expect a comercial, non boutique effort, for whatever that would mean to you.
I feel fairly certain i can tell hos from led most of the time, at least if i can splitt the bud with my hands. Even density isnt a great predictor anymore, some very tame led bud can rend to be like rocks.
Lets ask the question like this: would anyone be able to distinguis supreme top shelf THC weed form supreme top shelf CBD weed? I dont think so and the smoke will of course be very different.