How do i trim my plants to get better lite to lower buds


Active Member
I need better coverage to the lower parts of my plants.
My setup -

6 plants (OG clones), hydro, flood-n-drain
400 watt metal halide, flourescent for flowering
General Hydro, and Fox Farm nutes
Res. Change 1x a week
8 week cycle

I am in week 5. Flowering is steady, and the buds look nice!! I am just having trouble getting enough coverage to the bottom of the plants.

Questions -
How do I properly trim the plants for better coverage, w/out stunting any growth? (i.e what leaves, and where to trim from the stem)

How much (approximately) can I expect to yield from this 6 plant (4 feet tall each), 8 week grow cycle?

Any tips that anyone can give would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. I just came upon this site and the content is fantastic. Take care all.


Well-Known Member
The best tip is to trim a few inches off the bottom this allows air circulation and prevents pests and disease.

The fan leaves are like batteries that store and make energy for the buds I would not recommend trimming many of them.

I add side lighting for that express reason. Sorry if I did not precisely answer your question and some will disagree with me. Hopefully they will ring in.


Well-Known Member
Don't trim anything off your plants it will put them in shock ,Gently bend the stems on fan leaves down on about a 90 degree angle.You can also do this on the smaller side shoots about half way between main stem and end of branch.the bent branches will start growing up towards the lights starting at the new growth........hope this helps Bro......


Active Member
It ABSOLUTELY does. Thanks bro. I think I'll give the bending a try. I've already trimmed like 20 leaves, and each time I did I felt guilty for some reason. It felt like I was hurting the plants. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
This is why you trim the lower branches BEFORE flowering. I prefer all my bud growth up top, I hate having branches that stretch and have a little nug on the end.

Your fairly late into flowering, I dont really want to tell you to go cut anything, but you live you learn, next time do more aggressive pruning before flowering.



Well-Known Member
I like to 'lollipop' my plants right before flowering, remove all the lower growth except the top 1/3, 2-3 nodes. Makes it nice and easy to get between stalks to water too.



New Member
Oh so you weill quote him but not me ??? I can send you some pics if you like
I like to 'lollipop' my plants right before flowering, remove all the lower growth except the top 1/3, 2-3 nodes. Makes it nice and easy to get between stalks to water too.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Huh? Kingkush, do you just follow people around and try to piss them off?

That last post didnt even make sense?

**someone needs to ban this fool...



Active Member
Hell yeah. Since I'm in flowering already, I tried to bend the leaves very carefully, as opposed to cutting, and that seemed to get alot more lite to the lower buds. There was noticeable change overnite. Thanks guys. And I will definitely prune more efficiently in veg.


Well-Known Member
Dont forget, its not the buds that need the light, its the Fan Leaves. Fan leaves use the light for photosynthesis and feed the buds.

Something as simple as a CFL beside one of the lower fan leafs that the shoot is growing out of could make a big difference.



Active Member
Its all new to me bro, so every piece of advice is useful right now.

I'll find out what a CFL is exactly, but I am assuming from the other threads (and google) that its a lite that focuses on the sides and lower parts of the plants?

I apologize in advance if that question sounds ridiculous, or not even like a question.

So theoretically, its not bad to have real bushy plants, as long as there thoroughly lit all over. I was under the assumption that the leaves would hinder the progress in flowering. Little did I know they were the catalyst for progress and growth.


Well-Known Member
CFL are compact fluorescent lights, the little spirally, "energy efficient" Fluorescent bulbs.

Yes there is Nothing wrong with bushy plants as long as the leafs are getting enough light. Side lighting, any side lighting, can increase yields a lot, all those stretched branches can actually fill out with buds.



Active Member
Cool. I'll defintely get a CFL for the next cycle.

You mentioned any lite will do. I'm starting Week 5, and have a simple, low-watt flourescent. You think it would be good to throw it off to the side of the set up now?


Well-Known Member
Those leaves are very important to your plant. They're absorbing the light and doing the breathing and cooling functions. Look right above each one and you'll either see a bud or a branch. If you ever have a spare clone sitting around, cut the fan leaf off on one side and leave the other side alone. See which shoot grows big and strong. I bet you can guess! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Cool. I'll defintely get a CFL for the next cycle.

You mentioned any lite will do. I'm starting Week 5, and have a simple, low-watt flourescent. You think it would be good to throw it off to the side of the set up now?

Yeah why not. You should consider a T5 fluorescent bulb for the fixture tho, it is more powerful, but more light is good!
