Matrix Reloaded/Silo Grow Method

Now I've started to study the history of the United States in more detail, because I only know about the United States since the First World War, before that, my knowledge was very limited, limited to the Templars, the Franco-Massons and films about the Wild West. I decided to fill this gap, and also to understand why Americans actually consider themselves exceptional from birth. And these are not just words - this is a national ideology. This is a very interesting question for me.
Care to elaborate?
Are you asking why we believe in opportunity and possibilities?...
,it don't take the wildlife long to take new spaces!
Yes, there are a lot of pigeons flying around, and no one has entered the room for a long time. I felt sorry to chase them away and throw out their nest, so I asked my wife.))

Care to elaborate?
Are you asking why we believe in opportunity and possibilities?...
I'm talking about what Ty is talking about.

about predestination and Manifest Destiny

This is indoctrination that's been passed down and repeated ever since our nation was born; we were the first the have a Constitution and so that made America "exceptional." It has been misused and mischaracterized ever since.
yes, I have figured out the general outline of this issue.

Yes, you are absolutely right, the key reason for exceptionalism is the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. A city upon a hill - heaven on earth. All this is heavily seasoned with Calvinism.

But what struck me most was the original idea. All people are equal, everyone has equal birth rights, everyone has equal opportunities from birth. It's a great idea. At the time when Europe... roughly speaking, was in the Middle Ages, something incredible was being created in the US, a leap of several hundred years. That's why the US felt superior, because it looked at Europe as backward. But there was one caveat to this beauty, all of this was exclusively for whites! And we're not talking about Indians or slaves from Africa, the US also considered itself superior to people of the Latin race - the Spaniards, the Portuguese, etc. Americans considered these races backward and incapable of properly managing the lands on which they live - this is the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, which dominated in the 19th century. This is the Idea of Predestination. All of this is actually easy to explain. It stems from religion. Americans were sure that the white race is the descendants of the biblical Jophit, and all other races are the descendants of Ham, who was a clearly negative character in the biblical scriptures. Therefore, Americans considered themselves worthy, and everyone else unworthy already at birth. On this basis, the "justified" expansion began in the 19th century.

If you look at all these events through the prism of modernity, it becomes clear where the order based on rules came from. And why what other countries cannot do, the United States can ... and this does not raise any questions.

The seventh president Andrew Jackson went further, his election slogans were.. I didn't believe it at first.)) Jackson's doctrine was that the majority should rule, power should belong to..... the people))) I read this and my jaw dropped.))) Lenin should learn from Jackson.)) And most importantly, that the president should be a man born in a hut and risen to the heights on his own, in order to fully understand life. It sounds incredibly beautiful! The ending turned out to be extremely banal))) - he lied and manipulated to attract the electorate! Thus, he won the election against John Quincy Adams. Jackson used such manipulations for the first time.. these manipulations are still used in elections in the USA. And most importantly, it is considered quite normal!

Here I realized one truth: if democracy appears, then lies and manipulations appear after it.))

What I would like to say about John Quincy Adams. Here I was also a little surprised.. Adams was the first ambassador to Russia. He lived two years in St. Petersburg. His daughter died and was buried there. At that time, the USA and Russia were friends and traded intensively with each other. When there was a civil war in the USA, Russia sent its navy and helped with diplomacy. It was Russia that played an important role in the USA gaining independence.
Yes, there are a lot of pigeons flying around, and no one has entered the room for a long time. I felt sorry to chase them away and throw out their nest, so I asked my wife.))

I'm talking about what Ty is talking about.

about predestination and Manifest Destiny

yes, I have figured out the general outline of this issue.

Yes, you are absolutely right, the key reason for exceptionalism is the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. A city upon a hill - heaven on earth. All this is heavily seasoned with Calvinism.

But what struck me most was the original idea. All people are equal, everyone has equal birth rights, everyone has equal opportunities from birth. It's a great idea. At the time when Europe... roughly speaking, was in the Middle Ages, something incredible was being created in the US, a leap of several hundred years. That's why the US felt superior, because it looked at Europe as backward. But there was one caveat to this beauty, all of this was exclusively for whites! And we're not talking about Indians or slaves from Africa, the US also considered itself superior to people of the Latin race - the Spaniards, the Portuguese, etc. Americans considered these races backward and incapable of properly managing the lands on which they live - this is the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, which dominated in the 19th century. This is the Idea of Predestination. All of this is actually easy to explain. It stems from religion. Americans were sure that the white race is the descendants of the biblical Jophit, and all other races are the descendants of Ham, who was a clearly negative character in the biblical scriptures. Therefore, Americans considered themselves worthy, and everyone else unworthy already at birth. On this basis, the "justified" expansion began in the 19th century.

If you look at all these events through the prism of modernity, it becomes clear where the order based on rules came from. And why what other countries cannot do, the United States can ... and this does not raise any questions.

The seventh president Andrew Jackson went further, his election slogans were.. I didn't believe it at first.)) Jackson's doctrine was that the majority should rule, power should belong to..... the people))) I read this and my jaw dropped.))) Lenin should learn from Jackson.)) And most importantly, that the president should be a man born in a hut and risen to the heights on his own, in order to fully understand life. It sounds incredibly beautiful! The ending turned out to be extremely banal))) - he lied and manipulated to attract the electorate! Thus, he won the election against John Quincy Adams. Jackson used such manipulations for the first time.. these manipulations are still used in elections in the USA. And most importantly, it is considered quite normal!

Here I realized one truth: if democracy appears, then lies and manipulations appear after it.))

What I would like to say about John Quincy Adams. Here I was also a little surprised.. Adams was the first ambassador to Russia. He lived two years in St. Petersburg. His daughter died and was buried there. At that time, the USA and Russia were friends and traded intensively with each other. When there was a civil war in the USA, Russia sent its navy and helped with diplomacy. It was Russia that played an important role in the USA gaining independence.
This is important history that IS NO LONGER TAUGHT TO AMERICANS.

I normally hate to use the upper case but this requires emphasis; Americans are taught "patriotism" and blind obedience to their superiors in spite of the ethos of individualism.

We are taught that our country treats everyone equally but we built the nation on the basis of racism, conquest and genocide.

We're told that we enjoy equal protection under the law but the blatantly obvious fact is that we are most certainly not; we are restricted or respected by the law on the basis of wealth, social status and job title.

In short, America has become a lie, no longer even making much of a pretense of living up to its ideals. Yet whenever this is pointed out, Americans get offended! The days speak for themselves; so do our denials.
This is important history that IS NO LONGER TAUGHT TO AMERICANS.
It is exaggerated and mostly false, so that may be the reason.
Most propaganda works this way, loosely based on fact with just enough reality injected to make it believable. Russia's neutrality in both the revolutionary and civil wars doesnt count as assistance. Their ships may have deterred GB from assisting the confederacy, but that is just speculation. France did in fact assist
It is exaggerated and mostly false, so that may be the reason.
Most propaganda works this way, loosely based on fact with just enough reality injected to make it believable. Russia's neutrality in both the revolutionary and civil wars doesnt count as assistance. Their ships may have deterred GB from assisting the confederacy, but that is just speculation. France did in fact assist
I don't know how close you are to K-12 education in this country but I count a few high school instructors among my friends group and they all say that public education has been dramatically dumbed down. They are required to teach to tests now, which is a very different thing than learning.
I don't know how close you are to K-12 education in this country but I count a few high school instructors among my friends group and they all say that public education has been dramatically dumbed down. They are required to teach to tests now, which is a very different thing than learning.
What does that have to do what i said?
Teaching for testing is the result on a war against teachers getting paid well. Same reason the DOE is set to be canceled
Guys, I want to clarify a little: I am not broadcasting propaganda, only historical facts!

Russia's neutrality in both the revolutionary and civil wars doesnt count as assistance.
France did in fact assist
Hmm... this is a very interesting interpretation of the events of those years.)))) I don't even know what to answer you so as not to kill the poet in you.)) France and Britain maintained armed neutrality. This meant military and technical assistance to the Southerners.

And the Northerners were in complete solitude, until that time...


You realized that Russia was the only country that helped the United States back then.

In total, two Russian squadrons of sailing and screw ships were sent to the shores of America.

The squadron of the newly promoted Rear Admiral S. S. Lesovsky operated in the Atlantic:

"Alexander Nevsky" (Captain 1st Rank M. Ya. Fedorovsky)
"Peresvet" (Captain-Lieutenant N. V. Kopytov)
"Oslyabya" (Captain 1st Rank I. I. Butakov)

"Varyag" (Captain-Lieutenant R. A. Lund)
"Vityaz" (Captain-Lieutenant O. K. Kremer)

"Almaz" (Captain-Lieutenant P. A. Zelenoy)

The frigate "Oslyabya" joined the squadron, having crossed from the Mediterranean Sea. The squadron had orders to secretly pass through the Baltic and North Seas, and to base itself in New York.

The squadron of Rear Admiral A. A. Popov approached the Pacific coast of America and began to base itself in San Francisco:


"Bogatyr" (Captain-Lieutenant P. A. Chebyshev)
"Kalevala" (Captain-Lieutenant Carnellan)
"Rynda" (Captain-Lieutenant G. P. Sfursa-Zhirkevich)
"Novik" (Captain-Lieutenant K. G. Skryplev)

"Abrek" (Captain 1st Rank K. P. Pilkin)
"Gaydamak" (Captain-Lieutenant A. A. Peshchurov)

Captains of the expedition. From left to right: P. A. Zelenoy (clipper Almaz), I. I. Butakov (frigate Oslyabya), M. Ya. Fedorovsky (frigate Alexander Nevsky), Admiral S. S. Lesovsky (squadron commander), N. V. Kopytov (frigate Peresvet), O. K. Kremer (corvette Vityaz), R. A. Lund (corvette Varyag).

A memorial plaque in honor of Russian sailors installed on the Embarcadero

Photographed by Barry Swackhamer, April 8, 2014

Bro, just don't take it personally, I don't want to say anything bad to you. And I understand that it's not your fault that you don't know this.

What I wrote in my last post about Russia was just an addition to the main points. There is no catch in this, I just started studying the history of the USA and I am relaying historical facts that are publicly available on the Internet!

You asserted that public education in America has not deteriorated. That's incorrect.
Do you remember how not long ago, our friend warned us with this quote

“Whoever can deceive the masses becomes their master, and whoever tries to remove the illusions from their eyes becomes their victim.”

Gustave Le Bon
As for France: France owned a huge chunk of what is now the United States. But in 1803 Napoleon was at war with Britain and he really needed money to continue the war, so he sold Louisiana to the United States for pennies at the time.


And maybe you were talking about the revolution in the United States, when France supported the United States and even sent an expeditionary force to the United States in 1780.

Jean de Rochambeau statue in Newport
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K-12 education in this country but I count a few high school instructors among my friends group and they all say that public education has been dramatically dumbed down. They are required to teach to tests now, which is a very different thing than learning.
The first reforms in school education after Perestroika were that the school week was shortened from 6 to 5 days. I lived through that.

After some time, normal exams were replaced by tests, which was much easier, especially when entering a university, based on the results of school tests you could enter a university without exams. The education process was significantly simplified.
This is important history that IS NO LONGER TAUGHT TO AMERICANS.

I normally hate to use the upper case but this requires emphasis; Americans are taught "patriotism" and blind obedience to their superiors in spite of the ethos of individualism.

We are taught that our country treats everyone equally but we built the nation on the basis of racism, conquest and genocide.

We're told that we enjoy equal protection under the law but the blatantly obvious fact is that we are most certainly not; we are restricted or respected by the law on the basis of wealth, social status and job title.

In short, America has become a lie, no longer even making much of a pretense of living up to its ideals. Yet whenever this is pointed out, Americans get offended! The days speak for themselves; so do our denials.
several different govermint education being 1 of them that are haveing problems
You asserted that public education in America has not deteriorated. That's incorrect.
Your going to have to find that assertion and point me toward it.
I made no comment on education other than the government made testing more important than core knowledge, so educators/schools adapted to meet those requirements.
This has been the case for over 100yrs....
The more recent deterioration of education could easily be blamed on the smartphone and other technologies, or just poor parenting. For example, I used to know everyones phone number now i dont have to.

I would be willing to bet 99% of people born after 1989 dont know what happens if you dial 411
Your going to have to find that assertion and point me toward it.
I made no comment on education other than the government made testing more important than core knowledge, so educators/schools adapted to meet those requirements.
This has been the case for over 100yrs....
The more recent deterioration of education could easily be blamed on the smartphone and other technologies, or just poor parenting. For example, I used to know everyones phone number now i dont have to.

I would be willing to bet 99% of people born after 1989 dont know what happens if you dial 411
very true@Boatguy
Your going to have to find that assertion and point me toward it.
The selective attitude of students and their parents to the educational programs of American schools is also explained by such a factor as the purpose of education. Most students are not focused on continuing their education at universities; they limit themselves to studying at colleges to obtain a diploma of secondary specialized education. For this category of students, there is practically no homework.
It's very simple here: children whose parents are poor and can't pay for university have no incentive to get a normal primary education, they will be uneducated.

We are not talking about higher education, we are talking about the education of the working class in the USA. It is bad!

I don't know exactly how it is in America, but my brother-in-law lives in Australia, he has 5 children, the primary school there is... very similar to a boarding school, where they only look after the children so that they don't wander around anywhere. What struck me most was that there is no homework.

For me, homework was the hardest part of school. Where you can't copy from anyone)) or get a hint. You had to do everything yourself.
And it is of course wrong to talk about poor higher education in the USA. The USA is one of the most developed and technologically advanced countries in the world. Everything is fine with university education there.

It is striking that in the USA they deliberately do not educate the working class, so that they think less and work more for the capitalist owner, who has a university education.

During the times of tsarist Russia, workers and peasants were uneducated too, so it was very easy for the tsar to rule them. People believed in any lie and perceived it as a blessing. People did not know and did not understand another life, because they were not educated. And education for the nobility was of the highest level.

When Lenin came to power, his first decree was free, compulsory education for everyone, as well as free medicine.
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In fact, the number of underqualified teaching hires increased by 69% from 2022–2023. It’s an especially severe problem for specialist roles, as seen in the special education teacher shortage.

I find it fascinating that you know more about the deteriorating state of education in America than most Americans!
I find it fascinating that you know more about the deteriorating state of education in America than most Americans!
No, I'm not talking about the US only now - this is a global problem. Similar things are happening in Ukraine and Russia. Lack of funding, lack of qualified personnel, low salaries for teachers, all the same. Governments don't consider it important to invest in the education of ordinary people, because it's not beneficial to anyone and doesn't bring profit. This is a global problem in the capitalist world.

This is before the war
