My 1st CFL Grow - How's it looking? - 2 weeks


Active Member
Hi all, I've been just lurking around the board, but I just started my grow two weeks ago so I thought I'd just make a journal.

I'm growing with 4 23w CFLs currently on 1 plant in Scott's Organic Soil. My other plant died recently due to underwatering, but this plant is healthy right now. Currently it's in a 20x20x20 box with a fan and I'm going to move it soon to a larger box.

These pictures are of my plant, all feedback is welcome, thanks in advance!

BTW I think the yellow leaves are from underwatering.



Well-Known Member
nice bro im doing the same grow with 4 23w cfls u can check my page out and good luck man im new too but if i can help i will peace.


Well-Known Member
maybe put the lights a bit closer mate also lose the tin foil that wont help your plants xD if u put the lights closer they should start to grow faster and much bushyer xD


Well-Known Member
Dude- doesn't look too bad! And those 4 lights should be good enough......
I got a CFL grow I started on the 17th of Nov. Links in my Sig- check it out if you want........

So far I haven't had any problems other than a heat issue- but I keep my door cracked and that keeps the temp just right.......

I'm fairly new to the whole indoor grow thing- but if I can help I def will.......

As far as the yellowing leaves goes-??????- are u using any nutes on her yet?


Active Member
G13, it's not tin foil it's all mylar and the lights should be close enough, they're less than 3 inches away now.

DonNacci, your grows starting off really nice, hopefully mine goes the same way! I didn't start nutes yet but I'm probably going to start next watering.


Well-Known Member
G13, it's not tin foil it's all mylar and the lights should be close enough, they're less than 3 inches away now.

DonNacci, your grows starting off really nice, hopefully mine goes the same way! I didn't start nutes yet but I'm probably going to start next watering.

Alright- thanks- I think I got about another week week and a half before I throw them bad girls into flowering.......

I'd introduce the nutes to them slowly......I started mine out at 1/8 the recommended strength and slowly gettin them to full strength before flowering......Just a thought!


Well-Known Member
hmm still should go much closer thou mate ... my buddy uses a 250w cfl and he has that about 2inch's from his plants and a 2weeks they were huge man

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
I'm using an assortment of low watt CFLs and at 2 weeks mine are also much bigger. If you know your last plant died from underwatering, why would you let it happen again?


Active Member
My other plant started at the same time and both plants went through underwatering at the same time, but only that one died... I don't know what it is, but many other people's plant are much bigger at 2 weeks than mine, I guess I should start it on nutes.


Well-Known Member

3 weeks now, and the plant's been growing nicely and the lower leaves even turned green again!

Looking real nice! Had a problem with nute burn earlier in the week, but I've been flushin then and they seem to be bouncin back from the hurt....

Your one plant looks better than two of mine..... Don't know what their deal is, guess they're just stubborn-oh well!

I think mine averages out to having like 1.75 lights per plant- definitely not enough, but it's workin for now-- later when I get more loot I'll add more lights and just get a better set up all around.......

Anyways- Lookin good from what I see.......:peace:


Active Member
Damn nute burn sucks, hopefully everything turns out perfect for the rest of your grow! We'll be finishing around the same time, let's see who gets the best yield, haha.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it a lot.


Well-Known Member
Damn nute burn sucks, hopefully everything turns out perfect for the rest of your grow! We'll be finishing around the same time, let's see who gets the best yield, haha.

Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it a lot.

Yea I'm figurin I should be done flowerin around the middle or end of January.....Maybe the beginning of February....... Givin it a big time frame since I have no idea what these ladies are and no idea of when they "should" be done doin their thing........

Hopefully I'll have a nice Valentines Day present for myself-hahahaha!

Yea nute burn blows! But I trimmed all the dead shit off of them and flushed the shit out of them and they are bouncin back really nicely......

Gunna give them another water bath tomorrow and then SLOWLY SLOWLY start them on their flower nutes.....It's goin on day four of flower and they are growin like CRAZY! Was gunna move my lights today- just got busy- so I'll just do it tomorrow after I get my son off to school........


Well-Known Member
One question guys,

Before putting it to 12/12 should I leave my plant in 24 hours of darkness?
That's what I did for mine. It came recommended by a few established growers......

they say 24 and no m ore than 48 hours of total's supposed to let the plant know that it's time to start flowerin and it's supposed to make them show sex sooner..........

I'm goin on 1 full week tomorrow, but nothin yet........