Nute Burn


Well-Known Member
Hey i think I need soom help.... I have three plants about 8 days old. The plants did look great but now they seem to be getting nute burn. Probally because i have them in MG ( stuff really does suck ) I water my plants every 72 hours and use no nutes. I did however order fox farms ocean forest soil but didnt get it yet. Should I be flushing these plants or something else? any suggestions? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I use MG and like it; you just gotta know how to use it. Your first problem is over watering. The more water you add the more nutes it gets from the time release. When using MG, I would recommend watering once a week. The reason being is that it has that moisture control stuff in the soil. The first few inches on top will seem dry, but down in the middle is still moist.

DO NOT FLUSH! If you flush MG you'll burn the crap out your plant for sure.

When in veg, I still add nutes, but every other watering and get strong results.

I'm currently experimenting with nuteless soil and MG and I'm getting great results from it so far.

Good Luck with your MG and just slow down the watering for a couple weeks. Should be ok.

Or you could always re-pot them fresh soil where the nutes haven't been released yet.


Well-Known Member
I use MG and like it; you just gotta know how to use it. Your first problem is over watering. The more water you add the more nutes it gets from the time release. When using MG, I would recommend watering once a week. The reason being is that it has that moisture control stuff in the soil. The first few inches on top will seem dry, but down in the middle is still moist.

DO NOT FLUSH! If you flush MG you'll burn the crap out your plant for sure.

When in veg, I still add nutes, but every other watering and get strong results.

I'm currently experimenting with nuteless soil and MG and I'm getting great results from it so far.

Good Luck with your MG and just slow down the watering for a couple weeks. Should be ok.

Or you could always re-pot them fresh soil where the nutes haven't been released yet.
My god,im sitting here in disbelief,finally a member who gives an honest & common sense answer when dealing with a miracle grow thread,im dead serious too guy,it kills me watching 99.9% of the weed growing population bash mg products & blame them for everything bad in their grow.

I have no advice to offer this man with his problem as the advice you've just given is spot on.

I lied,i do have some advice for the poster of this thread,im not trying to be a dick or rude to you in any way but before you leap to conclusions that you need "Fox Farm" this or that take a breath & learn to diagnose plant health problems,learn what makes a good soil mix or a good fertilizer,then stay away from anything "Fox Farms" sells,they make great products but they are not magic products,nor are the products worth 10 times the price of other products,you can replicate the quality of fox farms soils very easily,with standard potting soil from home depot or a hardware store,most any soil mix that is properly amended will give equal results,i myself or many other members here can show you how to make your own pro soil at 1/10th the cost of fox farms soil & achieve results that are just as good,this fox farm bashing goes for their fertilizers as well,good stuff but so is miricale grow if used properly.

Plus rep to you my man for offering excellent advice,i hope you stick around the forum a while.