Wii grow


Well-Known Member
How much fun would it be, WII Grow. Create grow rooms, of any plants really. Manage different types of grows, soil, hydro etc...


Well-Known Member

yep ever just have the moments, when you are stoned, and everything just seems awesome... I am at that stage...


Well-Known Member
LOL.... okay... let's imagine a game... what I want to know is when it is harvest time.... how do we make virtual buds into real buds? Hmmmmm???


Active Member
You could have your Mii's smoke bud. They could also give it to other medical Mii users.


Well-Known Member
Create a online village of farmers. Trade secrets, online merchants etc.

As far as turning virtual nuggets into real... Maybe something like that could help a real like farmer grow 1 plant or 10,000 plants.

But of course, it would be for entertainment purposes only :)


Well-Known Member
Create a online village of farmers. Trade secrets, online merchants etc.

As far as turning virtual nuggets into real... Maybe something like that could help a real like farmer grow 1 plant or 10,000 plants.

But of course, it would be for entertainment purposes only :)
But of course!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont get it ?
a Wii game, to grow weed .... ??????

Well in a sense. call it wii-bis haha.

as far as not having that much to do. I tend to the real deal as well. But you can only stair to long. It would be nothing more than a forum like this only in first person type game.


Well-Known Member
kids these days and there crazy Wiis

haha... Wish I were a kid. Sometimes just think like one. Wii is actually very entertaining, I mean you could sit in front of a computer all night and post on forums and stuff, but really that gets old. I stair at a computer 9-5. Somenights I come home and get on here for a few hours. Some nights dont touch the interweb, but maybe play around in live and make music. Wii is just a just a good time all around. A buddy of mine got me hooked. We would smoke and play for hours. Keeps you somewhat active I think. Anyways just bored tonight, and having different Idear's. I noticed in your avatar a mixer. A vestax by the looks. I was thinking about a wii controller much like the digital usb vestax consoles. wii-mix. wii channel's where you can purchase music to download etc. I mean if you are into scratching, of course nothing will come close. But to sit in your living room during a get together and play tunes right off the wii have a chill night with friends. Listening to some live house right now. Got me in the music mood.


Well-Known Member
tjhere is a weed growing game not for wii but its called highgrow i think you can download it for free kinda lame though