Hello Dear Friends : )


Well-Known Member
hey, my name is jessica and i'm very glad i found this website today :)
i don't have all that many stoner friends, so i came here to find new ones to share my hobby with :)

let's be friends :)


Well-Known Member
No. I want to, but its too risky at my house..
My brother got kicked out of our high school for weed.
Since then parents a little strict :/

but once i have my own place....OF COURSE:):)


New Member
Thats very respectable and mature of you. Well sit back and take a look around because there are some very awesome growers to be found on here. Currently I am on my first DWC grow. Click on my sig link and check it girl!


Well-Known Member
verrrrrrrrrrrry true.
Ex boyfriend has about six plants... I wish I hadn't been such a bitch :P

My brother would though.
Is it weird I blaze with my brother?


Well-Known Member
I've blazed with a few family members before.
My brother is fun to smoke with. :D Except he jacks my stuff sometimes..
I wish one of my sisters smoked weed.
Oldest one used to, but she wont :/


New Member
I smoek with my brothers and my sister! Every now and then I'll hit the blunt with my pops but thats every now and then. He smokes a lot though. Just not with me. More with the males in the fam.