Theives everywhere


Well-Known Member
I have a smoking buddy ive known for 16 years and he doesn't even know , sorry for your loss but DONT TRUST ANYONE. The only ones that know about mine is me and my dog.I bet you learned not to show off your work next time....

Bear*rack Olama

Well-Known Member
Apparently he didn't. It is pretty obvious advice, but some people need to hear it a couple thousand times for it to sink in.


Oh you mean, its pretty obvious advice but some people ignore it despite the fact they shouldent be growing anyways because of lack of common sense with something that could possibly send them to jail?:confused:


Well-Known Member
deer fdd,if i was a homosexual,i would very much like to back on to you !

quote Fdd : you just know when its done looks ripe. ime writing them all down.


Well-Known Member
i'd say see whose got a lot of new weed that doesn't have the money for it.... lemme guess you told the 5 people someone stole it too?


New Member
how does one go to the club and buy clones and NOT tell anyone? there are 40 people there. :-|
Laws in your state are a lot different than most. Most states don't allow any sort of club. I'm not trying to tell YOU what to do. You know your shit. You're mature enough to know who you can tell. The op sounded like a younger guy who may not have your experience level or quality of friends.

Not trying to be a dick, I just hate hearing about people getting busted/ripped because they trusted a "friend"



Well-Known Member
Laws in your state are a lot different than most. Most states don't allow any sort of club. I'm not trying to tell YOU what to do. You know your shit. You're mature enough to know who you can tell. The op sounded like a younger guy who may not have your experience level or quality of friends.

Not trying to be a dick, I just hate hearing about people getting busted/ripped because they trusted a "friend"


do you even know what state HE is in? :-| i'm just trying to get the WHOLE story before i start judging people. :weed::mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Well for one you can trust no one. And yes i have took a friend to my patch before but i was harvesting them. You want to show off your smoke and your buds to your buddies and most people don't understand after your buddy goes home he sits there and thinks about, How much weed am i gonna get if i do this, How much money is it worth, I wonder if he would know it was me. All im saying is be careful.


Well-Known Member
Well for one you can trust no one. And yes i have took a friend to my patch before but i was harvesting them. You want to show off your smoke and your buds to your buddies and most people don't understand after your buddy goes home he sits there and thinks about, How much weed am i gonna get if i do this, How much money is it worth, I wonder if he would know it was me. All im saying is be careful.

i never even thought of that. thank you. :bigjoint::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Arrrrggghh I love to show off and thats the hardest thing to learn nobody can know it gets easyer as we get older but the possibility of someone getting in a bind and stealing or snitching you out always exist sorry bout your loss karma will get them play safe


New Member
do you even know what state HE is in? :-| i'm just trying to get the WHOLE story before i start judging people. :weed::mrgreen::peace:
I'm just playing the percentages. I think 13 states have med laws. You're right though, I was making judgments without all the info.


You win.




LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
How bad is this world comming to. We had 3 plants 1 wk from harvest and someone (I'm being nice) broke into my home and STOLE them, ripped them from the ground and TOOK them. WE cut one this morning and put up to dry. STOLE it too!!! The only thing left was the trimmings from that and a big fucking oh FUCKING BIG mess to clean up. How Dare these people what kind of friends do I really have. When only 5 people knew. And 2 knew I was cutting one down today. I go to the store and 20 minutes later I'm back and there gone ALL GONE. How SHITTY!! :evil: :cry:

Photo is of the top that was cut this morning.

thats why u dont tell no one shit... from the looks of it.. u got jacked cuz they knew u wouldnt do shit....


Well-Known Member
he always dose I don't know why they bother bit**ing...some people think before they speak...more states adopt med all the time thank god I'm missing fingers and my hips plastic and I'm tired or the patches and the pills arrrgh herb makes me happy if not feel better come on ohio help me out. plus theres alot of really sick people that need some help


Well-Known Member
i kinda make the same mistake(telling people) that's why once i harvest im tellin them im done with weed and hopefully they'll forget abut it


Well-Known Member
thats why u dont tell no one shit... from the looks of it.. u got jacked cuz they knew u wouldnt do shit....
good point.i'd go over all they're houses unexpectedly and see whats really good. if they got a problem with it just deck em obviously they hidin somethin. Young jeezy said "yall aint my friends yall just good and pretendin" i sell two dubs you my cousins cousin. get cocky and show him some shit next thing i know my aunt's lightin up my phone!