35days old, time to induce??


Well-Known Member
first off im pretty sure its a female.. but you think its ready..

i had a 1000 questions but i searched the forum got those answers..



Well-Known Member
You should top it to get more bud. I just started to flower 2 plants roughly that size. It all depends on the space and how much you feel like waiting. You could grow it even bigger, clone it to determine the sex, and keep cloning it to have a perpetual weed system.


Well-Known Member
Ready to flower? Well its really hard to tell from that photo, got any clearer ones? And you prolly wont know if its a male or a female until you go 12/12, some strains/plants do show pre-flowers but i know i did not until i went 12/12. So get some new pics and we will be glad to try and help! :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Oh i just noticed looks like your leaves may have some sort of deficiency, looks like maybe a zinc or magnesium, not too sure like i said b4 better pics will help wonders! :weed:


Well-Known Member
damn, its crazy you could see that.. yea i started foliar spraying yesterday for it. she's showin pre-flowers also 6 inches isnt the actual height. about 4 inches of her is under the dirt with slits in the stalk and rubbed wit rooting hormones, im guessing it rooted but anyway itsreally 10''

+rep all


Well-Known Member
You should top it to get more bud. I just started to flower 2 plants roughly that size. It all depends on the space and how much you feel like waiting. You could grow it even bigger, clone it to determine the sex, and keep cloning it to have a perpetual weed system.
u knowwhere i can see detailed pictures of the topping technique.. or fim, i have books but i can never be 2 sure


Well-Known Member
Bro, you need a new digital camera for X-mas someone please help this guy out. Nah man not tryin to rag but cameras are so cheap these days shit my camera on my phone takes better pics than that. If i was not so paranoid about me sending you somthing i would mail you a camera, lol. Damn i am really baked right now good luck i am interested in seeing how she grows up. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
its new i aint learn the settings yet. i yopped last night. dont know if did it right. i also switched itto 12/12 under 400 watt mh/ sunlight while its out.. im gettin good sun today. pics later

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
I usually induce flowering when I have 6-8 internodes (vegging time 3-5 weeks) depending on strain/estimated final hight. Don't forget that during flowering she can actually double (for indicas) or even quadruple (sativas) her hight/size.

Looks like you have a hybrid leaning more towards indica, so expect it to reach 30 inches if you treat her good.

If you've got the space, let her grow another 2-3 days, then let her start her flowering.

Hope that helped. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
yea, but i dont think my camera has a macro setting, shit i dont know. but anyway i topped it..should i start nutes now. and i have a seedling that sprouted, can i grow it 12/12 under an mh light?... or will it be problematic?


Well-Known Member
MH is for vegging its the wrong spectrum, you need way lower like 2700k or HPS which is even lower i think 2200k real red spectrum where MH is more of a blue spectrum. Hope this helps :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yup thats what i did, i had a great comeout from one of my plants i did 12/12 from seed, but what i was meaning is you can veg with the HPS too and flower. But 12/12 from seed is a possibility for sure.


Well-Known Member
i can clearly see female parts.. but i still have this leaf problem.. anybody know what it is. the new growth looks fine.. its the large fan leaves with the issues.


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Magnesium deficiency!

In order to fix, buy some molasses and add 1 full tablespoon to 1 gallon of water (3,7l). Molasses is a great source of magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Let us know if the molasses fixed the problem.


Well-Known Member
Magnesium deficiency!

In order to fix, buy some molasses and add 1 full tablespoon to 1 gallon of water (3,7l). Molasses is a great source of magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Let us know if the molasses fixed the problem.
i got the molasses.. howmuch do i use.. ill post pics throughout to show progress..

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
1 full tablespoon per gallon (3,7l). Use molasses from now on at every watering, even during flushing.. It will fix your deficiency and increase your yeald and bud's aroma.