Slow growth in flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I'm only three days into flowering and I measured my plants today, as I do every 5 days. In the last five days, on average, they grew 46% in height and -2.3% in width. In the previous five days, they grew 65% and 86%, respectively.

Is a it typical for growth to slow when you start flowering? I understand I cut out 33% of their light, but I have read a lot of stories about how much peoples' plants grow during flowering.

Let me know if you think this is normal or if you think I need to explore other causes of the retarded growth.


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Weed will usually still grow strong another 2 weeks into flowering and then really get going with bud production.

First off, depends on what you're growing. A sativa will even triple/quadruple it's size during flowering, while an indica will only double it. If you ask me, it's still a little early for the plants to slow down. A drop in growth is usually expected at 2 weeks after flowering has begun.

You may suffer from one of these three things:

1. Root lock - the roots have no more space to stretch out, slowing the growth. Sativas like to digg deap in the soil, while indicas love to strech out on the sides.

2. Low temps - low temps, especially during the night will stun your growth and lengthen your flowering period. Best temps are for daytime 22-26C, nighttime 18-20C.

3. pH - if your pH is off, some nutrients will be locked out by the plant. pH soulf always be 6-7 in soil growth and 5.5-6.5 in hydro grow.

4. Water - you're not administering the right amount of water. Too much water will flood the plant, making it waste time in getting rid of the exces water while not enough water will slow dosn your plant's metabolism. It's best to wait for the top soil to dry out before watering again. A good method in checking soil moisture is to stick your finger about 1cm/half and inch in the soil and see if it feels dry.

I wouldn't stop any lights, since your plant absorbs a predetermined amount of water, according to the amount of light administered. Lowering the amount of light will instantly cause an exces of water within the plant (didn't you notice the tips lowering after you tuned some of those lights off?). The plant will reset its water needs in a few days according to the new light quantity, but this will only slow metabolism and is never recomended in flowering. Actually, most growers add more light during flowering, since the plant will soon (after 2 weeks flowering) invest all its energy in bud formation.

PS: If you've gradually lowered your day period (for ex: from 18/6 to 16/8 for 2 days, 16/8 to 14/10 for another 2 days and then switched to 12/12) such a fast decrease in growth is typical and not a reason to worry. Actually, it helps the plant switch to flowering faster.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I'm only three days into flowering and I measured my plants today, as I do every 5 days. In the last five days, on average, they grew 46% in height and -2.3% in width. In the previous five days, they grew 65% and 86%, respectively.

Is a it typical for growth to slow when you start flowering? I understand I cut out 33% of their light, but I have read a lot of stories about how much peoples' plants grow during flowering.

Let me know if you think this is normal or if you think I need to explore other causes of the retarded growth.

its only been 3 days turbo...slow down and let your plant switch just signaled it to stop vegitative growth production and start producing doesnt happen overnight...different homones come into play now and may take a week or so before you start to notice any thing happening:joint:


Well-Known Member
"its only been 3 days turbo...slow down and let your plant switch just signaled it to stop vegitative growth production and start producing doesnt happen overnight...different homones come into play now and may take a week or so before you start to notice any thing happening:joint:"

theres your answer my need for drastic measures or the such.


Active Member
I have four plants that I started flowering at 16" and now they are still growing well, but I am running out of room fast. Can I trim the plant or should I tie it down as many people have suggested and if i tie it down how exactly do i do that?


ol man

Active Member
Not to but in, but lst should take place before flowering and pruning may stress the plant too much, my advice would be to place your lights as close to the tops as possible without burning them, that may be the only low stress activity you can take....i think that is an excellent question, im interested in seeing what others think about this greenkeeper.....


people say one youstart 12/12 i do it by date sex is shown i know one its go hairs it shold be done in like 6-8 weeks from then

ol man

Active Member
I thought it was it a little different, you can tell the sex when the internodes start developing, but i didn't think that was flowering(now that i think of it, it could be). Also, once you revert from the vegging stage, it takes about two weeks or more(i haven't experianced less), to start the flowering, when is it?

ol man

Active Member
I don't know, it's a hard question to answer since you don't actually know the exact moment when the hormones of the plant actually start converting over........

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
so im quessing starting the countdown from day of sex is the one that makes sense then it should be apparent that hormones have changed. and a couple of my new ones have sexed in just four days.

ol man

Active Member
420, if you are putting the plants into flowering, i would go by when i put the plant into 12/12.....that's got to be the best way to actually flower for the right amount of time.......leading up to the perfect harvest time, along with watching the opaque color of the trichomes....