Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
Do your dogs get all hyper and rowdy? My retriever turns into a spaz and runs full blast through the yard scooping up mouthfuls. When she's tired of that she rolls and wallers. I go through a lot of towels drying dogs when the weather is snowy, but they're so cute when they play.

Hey gryphonn, too bad there wasn't a way, we'd send you some snow in the mail. then you could play too.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to see if she's up for a wake and bake, I keep telling her she needs a nickname, so when I talk about her here I don't have to call her "daughter"
Ph03nix said to call her 'Little Miss Moffit'...
sat on her toffit...
eating her curds and whey
along came a spider
and sat down beside her...
..."piss off ya hairy legged freak!"


Well-Known Member
Do your dogs get all hyper and rowdy? My retriever turns into a spaz and runs full blast through the yard scooping up mouthfuls. When she's tired of that she rolls and wallers. I go through a lot of towels drying dogs when the weather is snowy, but they're so cute when they play.

Hey gryphonn, too bad there wasn't a way, we'd send you some snow in the mail. then you could play too.
Thanks hester. Not too much though. Anything below 15C is too cold!


New Member
I have a tarantula on my desk, her name is Crimson. She's a Chilean Rose hair. I love her, she is B E A U T I F U L .

My name is actually a Silence of the Lambs reference, but I was high :shock: and being pestered by family members so I spelled it wrong.


Well-Known Member
I have a tarantula on my desk, her name is Crimson. She's a Chilean Rose hair. I love her, she is B E A U T I F U L .

My name is actually a Silence of the Lambs reference, but I was high :shock: and being pestered by family members so I spelled it wrong.
Aaah, I see now. I wanna see pics of Crimson!


Well-Known Member
Ph03nix said to call her 'Little Miss Moffit'...
sat on her toffit...
eating her curds and whey
along came a spider
and sat down beside her...
Get your filthy hairy legs off my billie.....


Billy - singular

Billies - plural

But only when speaking of billy bongs, and male goats, oh, and the metal tin that you boil water in over the campfire for your cuppa tea.

Billie the girl and Billy the boy are totally unrelated to the smoking Billy. Why? Because if they had any relationship, all us blokes would be sucking on 'Billy' :shock: ... and might be construed as gay...

...oh just shut up you damned Australian!!


Well-Known Member
We gotta go to sleep. Big day tomorrow. Hafta pick up more Christmas presents. Then I have to pick up a 4WD I bought today. Then I have a mate coming up from down south for a party. We're going to have a few quiet ones...then we may have to try and fit in taking the kids for a swim at the local water park...but might leave that til Sunday.

Oh shit, it's ten minutes away from SATURDAY!!!!!

:mrgreen::mrgreen: I didn't realise the time! :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: