drooping leaves help?


Active Member
I have a plant that is 3 weeks old. This morning when I checked on it all the leaves were drooping down. Is this normal or is something wrong?


Well-Known Member
I have a plant that is 3 weeks old. This morning when I checked on it all the leaves were drooping down. Is this normal or is something wrong?
Need pictures, it could be over or under watering, o2 starvation...etc etc. Sorry cant be more helpful but without pictures its too hard to call.:joint:

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
leaves can droop from a couple things. over/under watering is usually the culprit. but, a hour or so before lights off, they droop. they can droop for a bit when the lights come on too, but will perk right up pretty quick when the lights come on.


Active Member
ok here are some pictures. in the beginning i was not using the right kind of lights so i think it may have stunted the growth but any advice will help thanks.

